A Bad Movie

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Happy Juneteenth guys
  Spread love out there y'all

Hesitantly, Sehun knocked on the closed wooden door. Of course he knew that Suho hyung was working, but this was important. So when he didn't get any response he knocked a bit harder. Then finally, he heard:
"Yes?" So he went inside.

It wasn't often that he was in Suho hyung's study so it made him a bit shy. There were so many books and all sorts of papers and folders, and he shouldn't interrupt, but this was for medical reasons so he didn't have a choice. To make the point of his visit clear, he held out the jar for Suho hyung to see. But he just stared at it blankly. So he explained (even though it was obvious):
"Kyungsoo hyung did knotting with me yesterday, and you said I should use the ointment then."
"You do realize that you can apply it by yourself?"
"But I don't want to do it by myself." Sehun pouted.
His hyung looked at him and sighed. "Fine. I will help, just give me a couple of minutes to finish this one thing."
Happily, he nodded.

Once Sehun got bored, he started looking around the office. There was a big globe standing on the middle of the floor, so he turned it around, looking at random places of the world. When he got tired of that he moved to the bookshelves. All the books in here were so big, and looked so boring. It would probably take him an entire year to finish only one of them, and he didn't see why he would ever want to. Working sounded so tedious, he was glad he didn't have to do it, and he didn't understand why his leader seemed to like it so much (at least he was spending way too much time on it).

"Okay, I'm ready." Suho hyung stood up and Sehun followed him through a door that lead directly to his bedroom. His hyung pointed at the bed and Sehun immediately went up on it, on all fours. Suho went to his dresser, and came back and sat down on the bed next to him. Sehun started to become excited.

With smooth movements, his hyung pulled down his shorts and used one hand to hold his asscheeks apart, while he cleaned between them with a wet wipe. It was cold and tickled, but not in a bad way and now Sehun was very excited. Then he felt it, Suho hyung's fingers confidently smearing ointment along his rim, and a little bit inside his ass. Too soon it was over, and his hyung pulled up his shorts again and gave him a gentle pat on the bottom.
"There, there. It's done."
Feeling giddy, Sehun let himself fall onto the bed, and curled up while watching Suho wipe his fingers clean after the treatment.

"Everything okay?" Suho gently stroke through his hair.
Sehun nodded, everything was fantastic. Hyung taking care of him was the best. Even though it was only for a medical reason it made Sehun's insides vibrate when he touched him there. Maybe he should also ask him to do knotting with him. He had kind of hoped that Suho hyung would maybe say: 'Were you doing knotting with Kyungsoo? Now it's time I also do knotting with you because you are my best most important omega.' But he didn't say that. So maybe Sehun should just ask. But now the ointment was there, so Suho would probably not want to put his penis in there because it smelled funny. He hadn't thought this through. If only there was some kind of glove, that could be put on penises instead of hands, then Suho could do it without getting dirty. But Sehun didn't want a glove inside him, only Suho hyung, so he quickly abandoned that (otherwise brilliant) idea. Besides, he had other plans for tonight. Important plans.

"Your hair is wet, were you swimming?"
"Nnn... Chanyeol hyung was teaching me."
"You don't know how to swim?"
"Not yet. Hyung is teaching me."
"That's nice of him."
"Chanyeol hyung is nice."
For some reason that made Suho chuckle. "Yes, he is."
It had been nice. Since Sehun had been a little bit afraid of the water (only a little bit), Chanyeol hyung had ensured him that there was no hurry, they would take it slow. Then they had stayed in the shallow end of the pool and played with a ball, and in the end Chanyeol had taught him how to float. His big strong hands supporting his back. So it had been fun.

"I should get back." Suho hyung muttered, but kept gently stroking his hair.
"Come and watch a movie with me." Sehun blurted out.
"A movie?"
"Yes, hyungs all agreed to watch a movie with me, so you should come also."
"I should probably get back to work..."
"It's just one movie." He objected. "All the other alphas are coming so if it's only you that is missing it doesn't even make any sense."
His hyung laughed. "I guess I could watch one movie with you guys."
"Yes, you should," and before he could change his mind, Sehun quickly stood up, grabbing his hyung's hand, dragging him out of the room.

In the living room they met Baekhyun.
"Hey baby, where were you? Everyone is ready."
"Hyung is also going to watch."
"You managed to convince leader-nim to join us, you clever little thing." With that Baekhyun gave him a kiss on the temple. That hyung was always so affectionate. It was nice.

When they came to the TV room, his other alphas were already sitting on the couch. There was an empty seat next to Kyungsoo so Sehun shyly sat down, his cheeks warming when his hyung smiled at him. It was not that he was embarrassed about what had happened last night. Not all of it, at least. But when he had done mental simulations of what it would be like to be knotted by his hyungs, it didn't involve him begging so much for it. Which in the light of day was maybe a little bit embarrassing and Sehun hoped that Kyungsoo hyung wouldn't think he was a slut. So he blushed a little when he sat down next to him (also, because now he remembered very clearly how his penis looked like). Then Suho hyung sat down next to Sehun on the other side, and Baekhyun next to him.

Once the movie started, Sehun noticed that Baekhyun was lying against Suho's shoulder, and if his hyung was allowed to snuggle, so was he. So he rested against Kyungsoo hyung's shoulder, but it wasn't enough really, so he ended up lying down over his lap, with his legs on top of Suho and Baekhyun hyungs' thighs. That way Baekhyun sometime stroke his calves and Kyungsoo sometimes stroke his hair, which was better.

Honestly, the movie was ridiculous. It was about some silly omega who slept with the first alpha to cross his path (Kyungsoo hyung covered his eyes when that happened, which was annoying, because Sehun wanted to see it a little). Then of course he got pregnant, and was thrown out of the town for being a slut and had to walk to another town with his belly full of pups.
"Poor thing," Baekhyun muttered, and sounded genuinely upset, and Kyungsoo and Kai almost looked like they had tears in their eyes.

First of all, why were they worrying so much about other people's omegas. They already had an omega so they should clearly worry about their own omega, not some stranger. Second of all, this omega did it to himself (Onew the angelic omega would have never ended up in a mess like that).
"It's his own fault." Sehun muttered unhappily, to let his alphas know that they shouldn't feel too sorry for him. "He shouldn't have had sex. This is what happens when you have sex." He sighed, adding determinedly. "I'm never having sex."
Suddenly, five alphas were looking at him in surprise, and Baekhyun even reached for the remote, pausing the movie, making the main character freeze with his mouth open at a weird angle.
"Say what?" For some reason Baekhyun seemed to find this funny, because he chuckled.
It made no sense why all his alphas were looking so surprised, because Sehun had made it clear from day one that he was never having sex. But just in case they still didn't believe him, he sat up so they would take him more seriously, and proudly claimed. "I'm never ever going to have sex."
But still the alphas stared at him absolutely dumbfounded. This couldn't be so hard to believe. Not everyone was a pervert like they were.
"But Sehun-ah," Baekhyun's voice was gentle. "Weren't you knotted by Kyungsoo like... last night?"
"Uh..." Blushing, Sehun hadn't known that Baekhyun hyung knew that. But what did that have to do with anything? "That's just..."
"Didn't Kai also knot you just a few days ago?" His hyung added, tilting his head.
"Knotting doesn't count." For some reason, Sehun's face became warmer, talking about that in front of everybody.
"And during your heat..."
"Heat doesn't count!" He had forgotten about his heat, so now his face was bright red.
"Ah, I see." For some reason Baekhyun hyung was laughing now. "And it probably doesn't count as sex if it's not on a bed, and then counts even less if it's actually on a bed." He laughed some more and added: "I see your logic and I accept it!"
Why wouldn't he accept it. Sehun's logic was flawless.
"Sehun-ah," Suho hyung started gently. "What do you think sex actually is?"
"I know what sex is." He stubbornly objected.
"I'm not sure you actually..."
"Aish, let the kid live," Baekhyun argued. "If he doesn't wanna call it sex, who cares. He'll come to terms with it eventually, there is no need to force him." Then he smiled and looked sincerely at Sehun. "Hyung is willing to not have sex with you anytime you want."
"Thank you." Finally someone who got it, and wasn't forcing him to have sex. And to think it was his (normally) most perverted hyung who was so understanding.
"In fact, if you want." Baekhyun lightly licked his lips. "We could go to my room and not have sex right now." He wiggled his eyebrows.
Completely out of nowhere Kai threw popcorn at him, but Baekhyun only laughed and asked innocently: "What? Am I the only one getting turned on by this?"
"YES." Four alphas shouted at once.
Sehun didn't really understand why his alphas were so irritated all of a sudden, but he also didn't understand why Baekhyun hyung wanted him to come to his room to not have sex. They were already not having sex right here and there was no reason to change rooms for that. Besides, they hadn't finished the movie yet.
"We should just watch the movie." He suggested.
"Okay baby," Baekhyun smiled and added: "But if you ever want to not have sex, you know where to find me."

Annoyingly, the rest of the movie was just as stupid as the first part. The omega was too needy and clingy and so not like real omegas were. Probably this movie was made by an alpha who didn't know any better. But watching a movie with everyone was still nice. It was the best when they were all together, and Sehun could smell all of them, and his alphas were touching him and stroking him and being nice to him. So they should do this again. But next time he was going to pick the movie, and it was not going to be something stupid, but a masterpiece from the Onew chronicles. Then finally his alphas would learn to appreciate real movies.

#Freedom ✊🏼✊🏼

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