A New Beginning

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Finally, Sehun finished speaking with the last candidate and was about to burst into happy tears of joy, when he was told that there was even more schedule. A gala event with the other omegas. Grunting loudly, he went back to his room, took a short shower to wash away the stench of alpha clinging to his skin. Then he put his clothes in a plastic bag, closed it tightly and threw away for a similar reason.

Once he had his nice suits on, he went downstairs to the ballroom. First stop was the buffet. Finally they were given something to eat. The room was big, filled with omegas, only male ones, at least two hundred of them, maybe even more. He recognized some faces from his district, and noticed some guys from his dorm so he moved closer to them.
"...I hope he chooses me," one of them said, a short slightly chubby omega named Seungkwan. "He was so... manly and perfect."
"What do you mean?" Sehun asked naively, stuffing his face with some mixture of shrimp and green paste (sounded horrible, tasted delicious). "Didn't they choose you already?"
"It's not certain." The omega nibbled on his lower lip, "The alphas were allowed to meet up with up to five different omegas, but in the end they can only offer one of them the opportunity to mate with."
"Five!" What a waste of his time, to meet alphas that were only like 1/5 interested in him.
"I know!" The omega with the round face continued. "It's so scary. I mean, I met up with three, but there is one of them I really want. It felt like we connected!"

"Three? That's cute. I met up with Twelve," a sassy omega named Kibum snorted obnoxiously. He lived across the hall from Sehun (and he really didn't like him). "Even if I'm unlucky I should have at least two to choose from, probably more, since my interviews went very well. They were all drooling over me." He added smugly.
"Aren't all alphas like that? They are just a bunch of perverts." Sehun was not impressed.
"Outch... aren't those grapes sour." Kibum snapped at him, "No need to be mean just because nobody wanted to meet with you."
"They did want to meet with me. They want to meet with everyone. Because they're perverts."
"Oh yeah, so how many did you meet?"
The sassy omega burst out laughing, and the other omegas laughed with him. "Oh sweetie, if you're going to lie, at least make it believable. Tell me four, and I would have let it slide... maybe."
"There were forty."
"Face it, Oh Sehun. Finally your arrogant attitude is getting in your way. Nobody wants a gangly omega that looks mean and angry all the time, they want someone lovely and cute."
"I don't look angry."
"Oh sweetie." The omega sighed. "You do." Looking to his side, at the other ones he giggled and said: "Good luck with choosing between forty imaginary men."
With a big flare, he turned around and walked away, and all the other omegas followed him leaving Sehun alone and awkward behind. Just when he thought this evening couldn't suck anymore, it did. Feeling upset, he stuffed five of these shrimp-paste-things in his mouth at the same time, and then quietly muttered:
"There were forty."

The next morning, before going back home in the bus, he had a meeting with the staff. It was a pointless meeting, Sehun had already decided what he was going to say: 'I don't want any of them! You can take those stupid alphas and shove them up your asses! (See how you like it.)'
But as soon as he sat down in front of a large desk with three people, the petite beta assistant from yesterday told him:
"There were in total 36 alphas that offered to mate with you!"
"Yes, isn't it wonderful!" All three panel members were staring at him with big smiles.
"Uhm..." No it was not wonderful. That meant that (he did the math in his head), three, no four alphas changed their minds. How rude! If they were going to waste his time, they better be serious.
"So... anyone in particular you have in mind?" The beta assistent asked, almost teasingly.
"No." Said his mouth. 'Suho.' Said his brain.
Not that he wanted to mate with Suho. But if he had to choose. There was only one option. Not that Suho was so great or anything. It was just that the others were all losers. But he didn't want to say 'Suho' out loud, in case he wasn't one of the 36. Too easily he could picture the staff's mock sympathy, when they announced that Suho was in fact not one of the candidates anymore. That would be too embarrassing.
"This is a big decision! So we'll give you a week to think about it."
This was the moment when Sehun should have said that he didn't need a week. That he wasn't gonna mate with a stupid alpha. But for some reason he didn't. Instead he just quietly accepted the files.

Sehun the Pack Omega Where stories live. Discover now