•Extra Part

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A/N: as promised, the extra part!

Also I got my nails done so I am sorry if there are any bad or obvious typos.

"Are you ready for today?" Angelina asked you and put her hands on your shoulders.

"I still can not believe I am getting married today." You shook your head and chuckled, then noticed your hair. "Woah, Angie, I didn't know you could do my hair like this!"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." She winked and helped you stand up out of your chair.

Today was August 16th 2010, which was yours and Fred's wedding day. He proposed to you on Christmas 2006 and you two are finally getting married. You couldn't get married sooner because money was short for you two for those four years, but you made it work.

Right as you stood up, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind. The arms moved you around and you looked down to see your daughter, Danielle, hugging onto you and your stomach.

"Hey, you." You smiled at your daughter and she pulled away from the hug.

"I'm excited. Are you excited?" She asked you.

"I'm actually quite nervous." You said. "But I am excited too. How do I look?"

"Amazing! I love your hair." Danielle pointed out your hair and then Angelina put her hands on her hips, a grin on her face.

"Your auntie done that." Angelina said and held her hand up for Danielle to high five her, which she done. "She looks beautiful, doesn't she?"

"Yeah she does." Danielle said. "Maybe you two can do my hair and make up for my wedding day?"

"Nope. Absolutely not!" You said. "Your twelve years old, no way are you getting married yet!"

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because you are way too young." You told her. "Now come on, time for me to get married."

Angelina wrapped her arm around yours and Danielle held your hand. The two walked you out of Ginny's room in the burrow and downstairs to the kitchen.

You were having the wedding ceremony in the burrow garden because that is near the tree house where you and Fred go. Ginny let you get ready in her room with your bridesmaids since it was not being used for anything. Fred was getting ready in his old room with his brothers.

Blaise was one of Fred's groomsmen and so were Bill and Charlie, George was his best man. Angelina was your maid of honour, Tonks and Fleur were your bridesmaids. Danielle was the flower girl and ring bearer.

Nobody was walking you down the aisle yet, well from what anyone knows of. Everyone thinks you are just going to walk down alone or with one of your friends, but no.

You wanted Blaise to walk to you down the aisle since he has been there for you forever, for both of your lives. Nobody else but Blaise would walk you down the aisle.

Only him.

"Can someone get Blaise from wherever he is please?" You asked everyone in the kitchen.

Lots of people were in the kitchen. Ginny, Hermione, Tonks, Fleur, Angelina, Danielle, Luna Lovegood and you. They were all waiting for you to get downstairs and ready to walk out there to get married to the love of your life.

"I'll do it!" Luna sang and went outside to find Blaise, shortly after she came back inside with him. "We'll all give you two a minute! Come on, girls."

Blaise walked up to you in shock as the others left the house and out of the back door. He smiled then cleared his throat and turned his head away from you.

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