•Part eleven

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the best warning ever: smut

by the way, this smut will definitely be a bit shitty but who cares? I tried and that is a lot for me right now, enjoy! plus you also get a slightly longer chapter, what a win.

A/N: I am writing this in class and don't have good Wifi, I also have a two hour detention after school so if this part is out later than usual I do apologise. I will however post it when I'm in school; but it might now actually post! <3

Blaise Pov

"Blaise, we need to talk to you." Marcel spoke.

"No. No we do not." I walked past the two and over to the living room, throwing myself onto the armchair.

"Yes we do and you know that." Marcel told me but I ignored him and just stared at the tv that was turned off.

"Don't ignore us right now, we seriously need to talk Blaise and it's important!" Zion demanded and I rolled my eyes then turned to face the two.

"I don't want to talk about Kyra behind her back!" I practically shouted. "Yeah, you said that it wouldn't be bad but she is my own best friend not just my sister!"

"Watch your tone, people are sleeping in this house." Zion warned me.

"And it won't be bad we told you that, like you just said." Marcel ignored what Zion said. "Look, we need to talk because of her safety and not because some bad thing!"

"Fine, but if I hear one bad thing about Kyra come from any of your mouths I am leaving." I told my two older brothers, got up from my seat and went to sit down at the table with them.

"You know that Kyra is in danger and we only want to keep her safe like you do." Zion reached over to place his hand in mine but I then moved my hand onto my lap.

"We are all in danger but Kyra is in the most danger right now, we know for a fact that you want to keep her safe." Marcel added.

"Then tell me please, why is she in so much danger and why can't either of you tell me why?" I questioned my two brothers with a higher voice now.

"Because they both escaped from Azkaban and are looking for Kyra as pay back for what I done to the death eaters and Voldemort himself." Marcel gulped and looked down in guilt.

"Marcel are you stupid? He doesn't bloody know who escaped." Zion hit Marcel on the back of the head and then proceeded to tell me who did escape. "Barry Crouch Jr and Bellatrix have both escaped from Azkaban."

"But didn't they both die?" I questioned, not wanting to believe a word he said. "They can't be back."

"Only Bellatrix 'died' but quite a few of the other death eaters used quite a bit of dark magic to bring her back to life." Marcel told me and I still couldn't believe it.

"So they are looking for Kyra then?"

"Yeah, they are."

End of Blaise Pov and back to Kyra Pov

You woke up shortly after falling asleep with Fred again and saw that he was still sleeping. Somehow, the two of you had swappers positions and Fred was now laying in between your legs.

Copying what he done to you last night and earlier, you found your hands knotted into his hair and just running your fingers through it. This must have had an affect in him since he started to wake up a bit with a groan showing that he liked it.

"Good morning again sleepy head." You said to the red head who was by your legs and he grounded again, turning round to face your stomach and using you as his personal pillow.

"No." He stated.

"Come on, we have to get up soon." You told him and ran your fingers through his hair again.

"Can't we do something else?" He suggested and looked up into your eyes with his famous smirk plastered on his pretty face.

"Something like what?" You asked him and his smirk just grew as he got up from laying on you.

Instead of moving anywhere else, Fred had decided to have both of his hands right next to your hips to support him. He leant over your face and your eyes met his. Fred was just a few inches away from you, not even that.

You felt yourself leaning closer and closer to him, not wanting to be apart from him. Then it happened.

Lips on lips. Physical contact. A kiss.

Your first kiss with Fred. It only lasted a few seconds, but right as he pulled away he pushed back for more. It was obvious that you two wanted each other now more than ever.

Fred and you were kissing passionately right now, he was also now moving down towards your neck and leaving soft kisses and sucking slightly on your sweet spot. Right behind your ear. You couldn't help but let out small moans at the contact.

"Is this alright, my love?" Fred pulled away from your neck and held the colour of your shirt, looking up at you for consent.

You nodded and let out an mhm sound, saying yes but it was not enough for Fred to have full consent.

"Words, darling, I need words." He told you.

"Yes, Freddie boy, of course it's alright." You told him, practically begging for him to do it. "Please."

Fred does not hold back and basically rips your shirt off of you body before throwing it across the room. He then starts to kiss all the way down your body. Neck, chest, breasts, stomach. Everywhere.

"May I?" He asked, asking if he can undress your bottom half.

"I would love you to." You reply then ask him something himself. "Can I?"

"Always." He says and you then pull his shirt over his head, throwing it to your own shirt.

Fred kissed each of your thighs before kissing your clit multiple times until he decided to change his plan and stick some fingers inside you without any warning.

He stuck the fingers into you and started to pump in and out of your body, earning moans from you but he just covered your mouth and winked. Realising just now, you quickly grabbed your wand from the nightstand and cast a silence charm on the room. Nobody could hear your loud moans now.

"Those pretty little sounds are for me and me only." Fred said and uncovered your mouth, allowing him to hear your moans as he pounds his fingers into you.

"Fuck, keep going." You moan and he starts to move his fingers in and out faster than before. "I think I'm going to-"

With that Fred pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you breathless and disappointed. He kisses your lips and then took his trousers off before lining himself up.

"Do you want to?" He asked you.

"Yes Freddie." You answered.

"Are you sure? Because-" You cut him off with a loving kiss.

"I have never been so sure of anything in my life right now." You told him after pulling away from the kiss.

"If you say so." Fred said and then pounded into you, getting a very loud moan from you already.

He was so big, it would definitely be something that would surprise you no matter what. You loved it though, he was deep into your body and getting groans from him and you too.

Faster and faster, thrusting into your body with everything he had like his life depended on it.

Nothing mattered in this moment, just you and the boy you loved. Although you most probably wouldn't tell him that anytime soon.

It was your own little secret with yourself, Fred didn't need to know just yet and you were alright with that.

You and your love.

Word count: 1333

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