•Part twenty eight

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Millions of questions were rushing through your head, but before your brain could even answer any of them, your thoughts where stopped my a crack sound in your cottage.

Who was that?

What were they doing in your house?

You put the picture down carefully then got up to look around and to see where or this person was in your house, then you saw them.

He was back.

Fred Gideon Weasley was back in your cottage. The same cottage where you two made most of your memories together. Both happy and sad thoughts and memories with each other.

Him helping you after Marcel left and said he didn't think of you as his sister anymore. You admitting your feelings to him. Fred meeting his daughter for the first time ever.

Lots of memories with him.

"What are you doing here?" You said, in complete shock.

"Kyra." Fred whispered then stepped forward to you, grabbing your hand as your stayed still just staring into his eyes and waiting for Fred to say something. "I'm sorry."

Fred moved one of his hands to your cheek, half cupping your face, and kept his other one holding your hands. His eyes joined your and has the look of sorry in them.

"I was an idiot. I am an idiot." He said. "I don't know what I was thinking when I left you there. You told me you loved me and I just left you without an explanation. I have no idea why I done that. I guess I just couldn't handle it, the thought of someone as amazing as you loving someone like me."

"Fred." You stopped him. "Why wouldn't I love you? Your the best person I know! I know you and-"

He cut you off my kissing you. His soft lips against your lips felt amazing. You two were moving your lips together.

The two of you were like a piece of a puzzle, the last two pieces put together that made everything perfect again. All you needed was each other.

He pulled away, both of your breaths heavy, and said something else. Something that left you shocked, but somehow not surprised.

"I love you." He said. "Kyra Brianna Zabini I am so in love with you, words can not even begin to explain that."

You and Fred decided to sit down and talk about things. About both of your feelings, about what happened yesterday and just life with each other.

It wasn't a talk that ended up with you naked and in Fred's arms. It was a nice and normal talk.

You enjoyed it.

"So what do we do now?" You asked Fred.

"I actually don't know-" Fred started to say something but an idea came into his brain. "Come with me."

Before you could say anything, Fred grabbed your hand and led you to Danielle's room.

"How come we are in here?" You asked him.

"I wanted to give you something." He let go of your hand and started looking around the room for something as you sat down. "I saw Danielle making something one day so I asked her if she could help me make one for myself. It wasn't for me, it was for you."

"Fred." You groaned. "You don't have to give me or make me anything."

"But I wanted to." He finally found what he was looking for a small, clear box filled with beads. "Found it!"

He sat down next to you on Danielle's bed with the thing that he made in his hand.

"Kyra, I love you and I want to be with you forever. I made this so that one day I could ask you something." He opened his fist, revealing a bead necklace.

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