•Part fifteen

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A/N: who here is watching the England vs Italy match? I know I am!

You and Fred arrived at the burrow in just a few seconds through apparation, and was met with the sound of laughter from inside. Fred was back at his childhood home once again, and he always knew it was going to be fun and crazy just like old times.

With a bright smile, he took hold of your hand and turned to face you right as your reached the door. The door was still shut though and nobody knew you or him were here yet.

"Ready to meet the rest of my family?" He asked you, still holding onto your hand.

"Of course I am." You smiled at him and he opened the door for you, letting you walk inside first.

You were met with the smell of cinnamon and even brownies. Fred's usual scent. You had only ever been in the burrow once and that wasn't for long, you were able to get a nice and good look around the place though.

Mr and Mrs Weasley had made it very homely here, it was nice and just overall so welcoming.

"Ginny, dear, can you check who just got here?" Mrs Weasley's voice said.

"On it, mum." Ginny said and walked round the corner to see you and Fred. "Your finally here!"

"We are here." You said and got pulled into a hug by her, then she hugged Fred.

"How are you, Gin?" He asked his younger sister and messed up her hair, earning a small frown for her.

"Good, and don't touch my hair." She rolled her eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you and George?"

"Too many times?" Fred suggested and followed Ginny, who was now walking back round the corner and into the kitchen were most of the people were.

"There you two are!" Mrs Weasley said and hugged her son before giving you a nice hug too.

"Is this the famous Kyra then?" Mr Weasley asked you and you nodded.

"Yes it is, dad, this is Kyra Zabini." Fred introduced you to his father and you held your hand out for him to shake, but he gave you a hug instead.

"Do you happen to know the function of a rubber duck?" Mr Weasley asked you.

The night went on with laughs and and jokes being told, just having fun with everyone who was there. George and Angelina arrived not that long after you and Fred had gotten there.

Nobody had said why the Weasley parents had wanted everyone there, but hopefully they would soon. Everyone had a 'date' as Fred would call it.

Fred and you.

George and Angelina.

Bill and Fleur.

Ron and Hermione.

Percy and Audrey.

Harry and Ginny.

Charlie and Tonks.

The obviously, Arthur and Molly.

Drinks were getting passed around, either any alcohol that they had at the burrow, water or even juice.

Everyone was talking and laughing still, but now outside after the dinner had finished. Charlie grabbed a glass and fork from inside and tapped the fork on the glass to make a toast or an announcement.

"I would like to say something." Charlie struggled but manages to stand on the table, a bit wobbly because of the amount of drinks he has had.

"Make sure he doesn't fall." Mrs Weasley told the twins and laughed, they then moved closer to the table to catch their older brother if he falls.

"Go away." Charlie tried to kick them away but kicked the air instead. "We made everyone come her today, just so that I could say something."

You saw Tonks laughing behind her hand and smiling at the sight of her best friend.

Well that's what we all thought. We all thought they were just best friends, maybe not.

"Mum, dad, you now have another addition to our Weasley family!" He yelled. "Me and Tonks are dating!"

"Knew you could do it!" George told his older brother with a smile on his face.

"And I want to say that-" Charlie went to talk but ended up falling backwards and off of the table.

Fred and George tried to run and catch him but it was too late, Charlie hit the ground with a groan.

Mr and Mrs Weasley let out a gasp. Even Tonks gasped, but you were pretty sure it was fake since she laughed right after. Then Tonks got up to check if he boyfriend was alright, which he was.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Charlie said and got helped you from the ground by Bill and Arthur.

The rest of the night went on with almost everyone getting drunk. Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry weren't allowed too many drinks but everyone else was.

The twins were quite drunk too and had even tried to play some drunk quidditch but their parents wouldn't let them. They wouldn't take the risk of someone else hurting themselves.

Fleur had started to feel quite sick and wasn't drinking, so Bill decided that the two should go off to bed. Tonks needed to be somewhere for some type of training so Charlie took her there. Ginny and Harry went home since they were tired. Ron and Hermione were sat on a bench talking to each other.

Then Molly and Arthur went inside to clear up after dinner and after everyone who was there whilst you, the twins, Angelina, Ron and Hermione were al still outside together.

Angelina and George had started to walk around then ended up with her getting chased by him all the way to the treehouse. Fred was sat by the small pond so you want to join him.

"Any space for me here?" You asked and he looked up to see you.

"Always." He moved his legs for you to sit down next to him.

You noticed that Fred was just sat there looking into the sky, focussed on his own thoughts. He was doing nothing, so you done something about that and rolled the bottoms of your trousers up.

Fred looked quite confused at your actions, but you ignored it and rolled his trousers up so that his legs wouldn't get wet. When he finally caught on, he had a smile on his face and you dunked your feet in the long, so you copied him.

"Tonight was nice." You spoke and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I know, I'm glad that tonight happened." He smiled at your actions and laid his head on yours.

A/N: Well done Italy, I wanted England to win but I'm still supportive, good job!

Felt bad for Sacko though!

Word count: 1111

One Night Stand | | Fred Weasley जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें