Chapter 15

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Yay... An Update...

Chapter 15

In the air on a plane

0215 hours

Erica quickly explained to me how defusing a bomb like that worked:

"Basically all you have to do is to find one wire connected to the clock, detonator, and a device that detects when decoy wires are cut. At least that's the basics of this bomb."

Somebody was trying to open the airplane's emergency door at the back, while everyone else was trying to stop them.

"And what I'm doing right now" continued Erica "is trying to find that in all these hundreds of wires! Ben, help me!"

I hesitantly looked into the hundreds of wires running through it.

"I've already checked all the red and black wires, it's a miracle they colour coded them. Or else this would be even harder."

3 minutes left

"I'll check the white ones" I said

Then I immediately found a white one that had a bit of glue on it. Tape glue, like the one that is left there after taking the tape off. I focused on it and followed my hand to the timer. The detonator. But it wasn't connected to the device that detected when a wire was cut.

"Erica?" I asked "You think this could be it?"

She only took 5 seconds to realize I was right. Then immediately cut the wire.

The bomb didn't explode.

"Can't they make it so that the correct wire is connected to the metal box that detects if a wire is cut.?" I asked after releasing a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

"Good question, I think they want to prevent it from detonating too just in case."

Then flashed me a brief smile.

I smiled back, feeling proud.

Once we returned to the cabin something became clear to us. Someone had jumped out of the plane, with a parachute. Which was strange that they had a parachute in the first plane, but I knew exactly who it was. I needed confirmation though.

"Can you describe to me the person who jumped out?" I asked a startled passenger.

"Ha- Has the bomb been defused yet?" He asked back.

"Yes, so can you describe them to me?"

He calmed down, thought for a second, then answered "Yes, but I can't be sure. I was panicking then."

"Still" I urged "describe them to me"

"She was a bit short for how old she looked and I think had green eyes. Although I can't be sure about the last fact." He described it thoughtfully to me.

"Thanks" That was all the confirmation I needed.

I walked up to my friends and said aloud my suspicions.

"Zoe is a mole for SKORPION"

"What?!" said Mike, startled "that's not funny Ben"

"I'm not joking, or else why would she have a parachute on her?"

Everyone looked like they didn't believe me, but they nodded as it made sense.

"That girl really snowed you idiots in." Said Ashley

"Shut your mouth" replied Cyrus

Jessica, meanwhile, finally recovered from the fact that there was a bomb on the place. 

"Zoe's a mole?"


This isn't a complete chapter, but since I wasn't planning on updating for a while. So I updated.

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