Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jail cell

0600 hours

It was getting pretty early in the morning, so probably by the time we get out, the daytime shift of guards might already be fully awake.

Erica put the bones into the lockhole, then twisted and turned.

We heard a click.

"It works!" exclaimed Erica

Catherine sighed, "Alright then, let's go before they can capture us again."

We all quickly shuffled out, except Alexander who stepped on the blood and slipped. Then fell into the blood.

"ARRRGHHH" exclaimed Alexander "THAT'S DISGUSTING!!!!"

"Shut up idiot!" Said Cyrus as the rest of us ignored him.

The outside of the prison was a lot nicer than the inside. There was a beige couch and a TV 2 metres across from it, and the wall had a blue wallpaper. Thankfully there were no guards on the couch watching TV, but the TV was on. An episode of The Office was playing.

We went to the other side of the room and opened the door, it led to a hallway. There were 2 guards standing in front of the door, but Catherine and Erica beat them up unconscious before they could even react.

All the capable fighters taking the lead, I followed them towards the right of the hallway. This hallway looked exactly like the SKORPION base in Antarctica, golden brown carpet and beige walls with yellow-ish lights.

Then we saw Murray.

He was strolling down the corridor with a strawberry vanilla ice cream in one hand and a lemonade in the other. His jaw dropped in surprised

"You guys!" he exclaimed

"Cameras!" I whispered

He tried to look like he was surprised because we escaped "er.... Go in that closet while I handcuff you." He ordered awkwardly pointing towards a closet full of cleaning supplies. Then, he took out his gun to look more intimidating.

We all went into the closet.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I asked Erica.

"Make it look like we beat Murray up in a fight."

Murray's eyes widened in fear "But-"

"No buts, if you want the money just pretend to be unconscious, unless you want to actually be unconscious." Said Cyrus.

Murray dropped like a sack of potatoes, we then all filed out of he closet running away from our "crime scene".

"We need to find an exit!" I said

"Yeah, I know," replied Mike. "Captain obvious."

We turned right.

"WHAT" Screamed Ali as he came into view. "How did you escape?!"

Then he immediately pressed an emergency button on the wall. A high pitched noise started echoing in the hallways, saying "Emergency in hallway B9, all guards please head towards there."

I was a little bit too lazy to write the fight scene today-

*Siren noises*


*Handcuff sounds*

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