~~~ 15 ~~~

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For the last hour maybe Roman was trying to break us out of the cell with his sword but I knew that his blade was no match for the Dark side conjurations. San was still lying unconscious in my grip with Patton sitting next to me scared. Logan was with Thomas who was trying to process what just happened until Thomas turned to look at me.

"What just happened? Virgil?" Thomas asked I pulled San a bit closer to me when my eyes glanced up at the confused boy.

"What happened was Insanity has taken over your primary emotions, the Dark sides are now in control and soon you will start to change physically and emotionally. I was trying to prevent this. San here...was trying to stop him but he was getting stronger. Everything Remus and Janus did when they appeared, their influence on you was fueling him. That door Roman saw me needed to stay sealed and I was the only one who could be there to close it every time." I explained seeing Logan approach next to Thomas with his arms crossed looking down onto the floor. 

"And you couldn't tell us because?" Logan asked I saw Patton was gnawing on his cardigan that was draped over her shoulders.

"Insanity feeds on chaos, pain and panic. If I would've told you all then you would act how you are now. Patton is scared and Roman is panicking, which is feeding him." I answered seeing Roman stop slamming his sword onto the gate and turned to look at us now.

"And what about you Virgil? You are Thomas's anxiety...doesn't that mean the energy you give off helps Insanity?" Roman pointed out in which I nodded yes in response to but also shaking my head no too.

"Mainly what I could've caused that but with San she manages to maintain it to a point where he could never feel it. My paranoia would become more stressed out so that wouldn't become something he could feed off of." I exclaimed seeing Roman lower his head because he knew deep down that this was all his fault. That if he didn't stop me earlier then we wouldn't be dealing with any of this. "Don't blame yourself Roman, you are just going to make this harder for us. If anything I was having a hard time keeping that door closed the last few days."

"I know that was your way of making me feel better but it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that I prevented you from stopping this." Roman answered in which Thomas touched his arm trying to make him feel better but even that didn't help.

"I may be biologically incorrect but shouldn't San look like the rest of us since we all share Thomas's face?" Logan pointed out while his hands signalled from San's unconscious form to Thomas.

"Yes but she decided to take the form of Thomas's mother when she was younger believing that Thomas would listen to her over all of us the most. She is also the mother to all the Light sides. Where as Insanity took the form of Thomas's childhood bully." I answered seeing Thomas glanced down at her and realized lifted onto his brow that she did look like his mother. Another groan came from Roman when he returned from banging his sword on the door. (A/n: I don't know what or if Thomas had a childhood bully but this is my only explanation of why Insanity doesn't look like Thomas)

"We need a plan to get out of here." Roman began before Logan could even open his mouth the whole room shook with the sound of evil laughter. Then tendrils of smoke entered the cell consuming over us and soon a weight vanished from my grip. Once it disappeared I saw San was gone and so was Thomas. "What just happened?"

"It's Insanity....he now has both San and Thomas. We are running out of time." I answered standing up from my position.

~~Annnnd we are back sorry I was very busy this week but happy Friday here we go the second half. Enjoy~~

Thomas's Sanity (Thomas Sanders/Sander Side Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now