Chapter 16 - Poor Giovanni

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A/N: So this story has 500 reads! I honestly didn't think that many people would be reading this so thank you so much to all who are! Hope everyone enjoys the chapter, it's a bit of a weird one but I really like it. Let me know what you think down in the comments! :D

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"Emmie, what the hell are we doing in here?" Will whispered to his curvy blonde friend as they entered a dingy store in a questionable part of town. As they rounded a corner, they were met with a big poster of a woman busting out of lingerie. They were in a goddamn sex shop. "Seriously, what the hell?!"

"What, I thought we'd have fun and just look around. Calm down, will ya," Emmie answered as she non-chalantly perused the wall of dildos.

"We're not even 18, I don't think we're allowed in here," Will whispered, not wanting to bring attention to himself from the few people in the store. Will eyed them, a few middle-aged men shifting through the porn and a guy with ginger hair who looked to be in his mid-20s behind the counter, casually flipping through a dirty mag. He was actually kind of cute but the busty black woman on the cover of the magazine told Will that he probably wasn't the guy's type.

"Unclench, Will, they're not gonna card us," Emmie dismissed him, picking a box off the wall and reading the back. "Ooh, this one vibrates."

The two milled around the store, Emmie casually picking up and looking at things while Will just tried to touch as little as possible. The only thing to grab his curiosity was the gay erotic fiction in the back corner of the shop. He'd seen the ones written for middle-aged straight women sold in bookshops - who could forget 50 Shades of Grey - but never had he seen one for gay men. He picked a random one off the shelf and sat down in the aisle as he began to read.

He read about Chad and Giovanni's explosive love affair in the middle of the Amazon jungle as Emmie continued to shop, who interrupted him just as Giovanni was about to reach his steamy climax. "Having fun there?" she asked as she dropped a pile of toys beside him.

"Yep," he replied, flicking his eyes to her only to see her holding up a gimp suit. "Why do you have that?"

"What, this rubber bondage suit? I thought I'd get it for you and Ryan to have fun with," she winked, holding it up against his body. "It should fit you...or him at least."

"Ah no, we're ok," Will declined, looking at her as if she needed to be institutionalised. "I'd rather not have my boyfriend look like Rubber Man from American Horror Story, thanks."

Emmie shrugged her shoulders as if to say suit yourself before her eyes lit up at something Will had just said. "Oooh, so Ryan's your boyfriend now, I thought you two were 'taking things slow'?" she asked, stretching the last part out mockingly.

"Well, we've been on like, six dates now? So when he asked last night after ice-cream, I thought it was the right time for it," Will replied, feeling quite embarrassed by how sappy he was feeling. He had a boyfriend and it was bloody awesome. Ryan was filling that tiny hole of emptiness in his heart that he'd had for quite a while. Plus, it was nice to be around some testosterone after spending most of his time with the XX Squad.

"Awww, that's sweet," Emmie smiled before adding, "but I gotta get away from you before I catch your relationship germs and start wanting a boyfriend," as she jumped up and went back out to look around the store.

Will shook his head in amusement. Emmie was a weird one, though all his friends were weird so it wasn't that much of a surprise. He was about to get back to his book when he was stopped again. It was like no-one wanted Giovanni to get to his climax. Poor Giovanni.

"If you read any more of that, you're gonna have to buy it," a voice said above him. Will looked up from the book to see the guy from the counter leaning over the book stand. The smirk on his face told Will that he was just joking but Will still hesitated.

"Oh, uh, sorry..." he apologised, closing the book.

"I'm just playing with you, man," the guy laughed, combing his mane of ginger hair with his fingers. "Dale," he introduced himself with a smile as he eyed the pile of toys Emmie had left next to Will, "a lot of shopping you've done there."

"They're my, uh, my friend's," Will stammered, cheeks tinged red in embarrassment. He was beginning to feel uncomfortable about being in an adult store again.

"Well, if she's getting that much, why don't I just throw in that book in for free for ya then?" Dale proposed with a wink. Will hesitantly nodded, not sure what else to do. He also wanted to see what happened to Chad and Giovanni in the end. "It's a good book, everyone should read it. I sure enjoyed it," Dale added casually.

"You've read gay erotica?" Will asked, brows knitted in confusion as he remembered the magazine he'd seen Dale reading earlier.

"Yeah, why do you look surprised?" Dale asked back.

"Oh, just the, uh, magazine you were reading before got me sorta confused," Will answered honestly, feeling a bit silly.

A look of realisation dawned on Dale's face as he remembered the subject of that magazine as well. "Ah yeah, that!" Dale laughed before clarifying, "I'm bisexual."

"Oh," went Will. It made a lot more sense now. To be honest, Will had only heard of bisexuals but had never actually met one, well, that he knew of. His uncle had once said that bisexuals were a myth but Will just knew that that was Uncle JoJo being a homophobic git.

"Not to be presumptuous, but seeing as you're reading gay erotica, I'm guessing you're not straight, right?" Dale asked. Will reluctantly nodded, not sure where this was headed. "Cool, so there's this awesome underground dance party tomorrow night for the queer kids here in town. You should come! They'll love your hair," Dale proposed with a wide grin.

Will, however, was hesitant. It kinda felt like Dale had just asked him out on a date and seeing as he now had a boyfriend, that wasn't a good idea. He was about to say something but the older guy beat him to it. "Bring the boyfriend you were talking to your friend about, if you want to," Dale added with a reassuring smile.

"Ok, yeah sure, we'll come," Will accepted with a small smile, not really having a reason to decline.

"Great!" Dale grinned, pulling out a card and pen to write down the details. "It's a black light party, so anything neon, fluoro, white, or that sort of stuff is recommended," he added as he handed Will over the card. Will took the card and placed it in the book. "My number is on there, so text me you and your boyfriend's name and I'll get you on the list! They won't card you, so don't worry about that. I'll see you tomorrow!" And with that, Dale swivelled around and returned to the counter.

Wow, what an odd day!

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