CHAPTER 24:Second Chances

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The next day, while walking towards the gate I saw the volleyball members clogging the entrance of the school. I saw Hikari and the others and hearing them how worried they are for her. The sight of them reminds me of my senpais.

"I miss my senpais" I mumbled as I saw them. My feet couldn't bring myself to the beautiful moment. I don't want to interrupt to someone's happiness. Her face light up like a sun as she smiles at them. They went inside of the school entrance so I make my way in. Kenma's locker are just right behind the locker of my mine.

"Kenma-senpai here" I heard Hikari.

"You don't have to" Kenma said with his soft tone voice.

"No. This is from my parents" Hikari said with his jolly tone voice.

"Thanks" Kenma said.

The feeling of wanting to interrupt them in this sweetest times get me but it will be rude to something I'm not involve to.

I walk to the hallway until I reach my classroom. I silently walk to my seat and as we wait for our homeroom teacher I place my head on the desk as I closed my eyes. I am tired. I spent all night trying to a write a song because it's usually what I do. But my mind is blank at the moment. The guitar that seems like a broken one. The sounds of piano I can't hear even if I pressed it hard.

"I miss Kenma" is all I can think of. I wanna spend some time with him too. I wish I fainted too. I wonder what reaction will you make if I do? I want you to look only me.

"Wanna have lunch together?" I message him with a bit of hesitation. The class started. All throughout the lesson all I could think is Kenma.

When lunch came, I went to the cafeteria and saw you with the other volleyball members together with Hikari. I felt the jealousy. I lost my appetite looking at your happy face. I went back to my classroom with a heavy heart.

"Are you okay?" Satoshi asked me as he moves away my hair that covering my face.

"Hmm yeah" I answered.

"Have you eaten?" He asked me as he takes a seat.

"No. I don't have an appetite" I said to him and slightly smile.

"You don't look so good" Satoshi said looking so worried.

"Just sleep deprived" I said. I place my head down to the desk and just ignored him.

After our classes I went to our clubroom and they always seems energetic.

"Are you okay senpai?" Sachi asked me and I jusy nodded. We starts the practice but I don't feel like I'm hitting the drums properly. I can't even hear if we are in sync or not.

"STOP!" Shun-nichi said and I blankly stopped and look at his direction. He walk towards me and pulled me up that made me stand.

"Let's go" Shun-nichi said and dragged me all the way to the clinic.

"Rest for now" Shun-nichi said and went out of the clinic.

"Y-yeah you should rest you look like you need a sleep" The school doctor said.

I blankly lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I feel the exhaustion of my body somehow lessen. I get up after 30 minutes and I feel much better.

"Thank you Doc" I said and went out of the infirmary.

"Get a hold of yourself y/n" I said to myself as I closed the door. I regain myself and smile.

"Y/n? Are you hurt?" A voice came beside me. It's Kenma.

"N-no. I just take nap" I said and chuckles as I scratched my head.

"How about you, are you hurt?" I asked him.

"No. I'm just passing by" Kenma said.

"Is that so? I have to go then" I said and walk back to the clubroom.

"Y/n! Come here" Kenma said. I look at him as he's arms open wide. I walk towards him and hug him tight.

"Did you have a bad day?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Just tired" I said. He pats my back.


Good thing there's no students passing by at this time.

"Thank you" I said as I look at him.

"Let's go home together" Kenma said and smiles at me. I nodded.

We part ways as I go back to the clubroom.

"Hello" I greet them with a happy smile.

"Are you okay senpai?" Sachi asked and I nodeed at her with a smile.

"Let's go back to practice so that we can leave early" I said and we lively go back to practice.


There's something bothering but she didn't want to tell me. I look at her back while she go back to their clubroom. I went back to the gym and continue the practice.

Few hours have passed. I saw her waiting outside the gym. I waved at her and smile. We cleaned up and have a little meeting regarding the practice and tournament. After that I hurriedly went to the locker room to change clothes and get my things.

"Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting" I said as I tapped her shoulder.

"Hmm it's fine. Let's go?" She said with a smile.

We walk side by side. There's no other than us walking, as the surroundings turned orange. I slowly held her hand and she immediately look at my way and I just smile at her. I feel how happy she is with just little gestures. I love how she's contented the way we are right now but there's something in me that it would be better if she gets a little selfish.

"You know, you don't have to hold back. You can be selfish sometimes." I said and realized I speak my mind. She got surprised.

"I don't want to stick my nose into something I'm not supposed to." She said with a weak smile. I look at her with a confused look.

"I get irritated whenever she's with you. I know it can't be help but the way she talks with you with familiarity makes me somehow- jealous" she said shyly. I feel my face heat up hearing those words.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked me as she look at me blushing.

"Nothing" I said.

"Second chances are meant to prove that you deserve that second chance and not wasting it. That's why I'm not wasting this second chance of ours" I said and walks holding her hand smiling.


"Kenma-senpai should we--" Hikari said but Kenma walks straightaway to Y/n who's waiting outside of the gym.

"Oh! They going home together" Tora sais as he saw the two outside.

"Kenma-san, looks possessive than he looks" Lev said.

"Possessive?" Hikari said to herself.

"They're close" Satoshi commented.

"Yeah more than close" Tora said and laughed.

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