Chapter 23

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I got to an entrance to the nether not knowing what to do I simply just knocked.

The door opened and I walked in holding my knife. My dragons came out as a light and a girl covering her eyes popped out.

"So your the 7th pillar! Haumea isn't fun to hangout with let's get you an outfit. I'm surprised you don't have a protector already?" A girl with pink hair asked.

"She has a protector but he would never join sides with us. I'm surprise he let you go." A large male said.

"I chose to come here no one knows." I whispered. "My name is Y/n." The pink haired girl clapped her hands.

"We're gonna be best friends! My name is Inca! The big annoying guy is Charon. You'll feel right at home here soon." She laughed. "We need to get you a new protector!"

They got me dressed and they shared what they were trying to do. The boy with white hair was adorable.

"Shinra is your brother right?" I asked. His eyes widened. "I saw him recently he's doing well." He looked away.

Konro's pov

I woke up still a bit asleep I sat up to wake myself up. Y/n usually isn't awake so I went to shake her but she was gone.

I must have woken up late so I got ready putting my hair up. I looked down and the knife was gone.

Someone knocked on the door though without me telling them they came in.

"Have you seen nurse Y/n? She's supposed to help with Arthur's and my burns." Shinra explained.

"I haven't I'm sorry." I whispered. He then went off to go do something.

I walked downstairs and Waka looked at me strangely.

"Where's the girl? She's usually with you." He asked.

"I have no clue and I'm getting worried. Even if she wakes up before me she always is down here. Plus the knife you gave me is gone." I whispered.

There was an awkward silence after that. Sister Iris then walked out.

"Sorry to bother you but I heard her last night outside. There was a big earthquake and I needed to take a deep breath outside and saw her running off. Sort of crying did you two have a fight or anything last night?" She asked.

"Not at all she did seem a bit sad though." I explained. "You don't think she decided to go with those white clad people?"

"Who would even want to go with them? Though they might have offered her memories in return." Waka explained. "Though just a theory. If we don't find her we're screwed without a nurse."

Love blooms in weird places (Konro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now