Chapter 12

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T/w: implied sex

Days followed Konro either didn't hear hear my words that night or chose to ignore them. My bet is that he was asleep when I told him that.

We were at breakfast sipping tea talking about anything new or interesting going on.

"Did you hear that Shinra is in the hospital?" Benimaru asked. All of us looked at him surprised. "Yeah he's out now apparently Company 8 inclusions over for drinks."

"Why was he in the hospital?" I asked.

"Something about the nether. I don't know my head hurts like a bitch right now." He whispered. "Do you have any medication for that?"

I handed him aspirin and sat back down. "I think we should go. I wanna offer my thanks to the Captain for helping."

"Alright but we won't stay for long." Beni groaned. I laughed knowing that was a lie.


That night we all went to company 8 and a lot of people I didn't know were there.

"Ah glad you all could make it thank you." Captain Obi laughed. "We have drinks we sure you will like. Oh Y/n this is Captain Hibana from the 5th and Lieutenant Karim from the 1st."

"It is very nice to meet you both." I whispered. I sat down next to Hibana and she studied me for a second. As she did I took a sip of wine.

"You seem to be in love." She said. I jumped up almost spilling my glass. "Though it's not with anyone obvious. Don't tell me you like that old man Konro."

(A/n: If you are a minor you have been aged up for obvious reasons. I know in some places this is legal but it freaks me out)

"He's not that old he's only 38!" I whispered. I then downed the rest of my wine. "We're close even though we haven't known each other long. I wish to just pull him in and make out with him."

"Oh I feel that. Men are just hard to understand. Ugh this stuff is cheap how have you downed two glasses already?" Hibana asked. I shrugged looking at Konro.

That night walking how all three of us were drunk laughing about stupid crap on the way back I can't remember.

Then when we got back and I was in my room Konro walked in. It could have been the alcohol or our own lust telling us these things.

Though one things is for certain:

We definitely had sex

Love blooms in weird places (Konro x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora