Chapter 4

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I stepped inside the cathedral and followed Benimaru and Konro. The pews were uncomfortable and some of the captains were looking at me.

I sat through most of the speech and looked over at company 8's team. Apparently they had good relations with the 5th.

A boy who looked about 16 was giving me a weird smile. It weirded me out and I scooted closer to the two.

Benimaru said something about the sun god, Sol, and we promptly left.

"He's just like this and I apologize for whatever he might say to you." Konro whispered.

"Oh no it's fine, it's his beliefs and I will respect them." I said putting my hands up. "Benimaru if you don't mind me asking how did you know a nurse would actually be best for me?"

"I don't know I gave you something random." He groaned. "Also here's your schedule." He gave me a small note that only said:

9 pm change Konro's bandages

Super helpful

We got back to the station and I went into my new workspace. It was dusty and gross I was gonna make it nice!

I grabbed a broom from a shed we had and started sweeping out the dust. Most of these beds needed being made and that reminded me of potential laundry that might need to be done.

"So the idiot stick got her own work space? No fair!" Hika and Hina said.

"Last time I checked you don't want sick people affecting you." I explained. They were gonna say something and then stopped.

I got all the shelves cleaned off and ready to go for any cleaning of wounds I would have to do.

Everything was looking great so I put a sign out front saying this was the new infirmary so people could come on in.

It was awfully late so I went back inside to beni and Konro looking over something.

"It's just reports and boring items like that. Nothing too crazy." Konro laughed while reading it over again.

Anyway strong headcannon that Konro wears reading glasses

Love blooms in weird places (Konro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now