Chapter 10

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"I guess I do like him." I whispered. "But there's no way he could like me back right?" They both bonked me on the head.

"You must be dumb as a rock." They said. "Which is ironic cause your a doctor."

"Girls that's not nice." Konro groaned. They rushed back inside. "So be honest are you with the white clad?"

"I'm 99% sure." I said confused.

"I know you aren't I was just joking around." He laughed. He then pointed to Shinra and Arthur. "They have more potential then they realize. So do you."

I thought for a second on what he meant. "I suppose I do. Though those boys it feel like they are gonna change the world."

Konro seemed confused at that statement. "So uhh what's this scar on your back?" I jumped and looked at my shoulder. I shrugged and went inside to make tea.

The four boys came in and sat down. I set the tea down and sat at the end.

"An adolla burst?" I asked. I then felt something sting my body.

I was in a place where the floor was pitch black with skeletons everywhere. Then I heard someone yelling on the phone. I looked up seeing a man I had clearly seen before.

"That girl is located is Asakusa. We must hurry since she could destroy the whole town. She might have been a failed experiment but it doesn't mean her memories could come back." A guy on the phone said.

I walked forward my feet dragging as I did. He disappeared. "W-wait! Where did you go?"

"Hey are you alright?" Konro asked. "You've been staring at Shinra for 5 minutes now."

"I uhh, I'm fine." I whispered. I stood up and walked to my room. Am I even human or was I a human lab rat?

I laid down in my bed trying to figure out what happened.

"I need to leave." I whispered.

Love blooms in weird places (Konro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now