Chapter 9

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The weeks following the incident it felt like everyone was judging me. Since I was new and nothing had happened like this I suppose they thought I was the cause of it all.

"I don't know how Benimaru can trust the girl." I heard. "She's clearly with the empire."

It was easy to ignore but it was hard to say if I was or not. Since I had no memory it made me feel strange.

"Just ignore them you dope." Waka said. He lightly hit my head as we walked. "Why did you even want me to go with you anyway? Not like anyone will attack you."

I stayed quiet as I bought the hairpin. Konro found it for me but we didn't have enough time to buy it.

We got back to the house and I put in the hairpin. Honestly it felt too big but I most likely put it in wrong.

"You dumbass!" I heard outside. I poked my head out and saw Shinra and Arthur walking to the house.

"Benimaru the 8th is here." I explained. He groaned stepping outside. I took the broom and started sweeping a little bit.

"See I was right the hairpin does look good on you." Konro said. I blushed and he walked out to everyone outside.

After I got done with sweeping I walked out and almost got hit in the face by Shinra.

My little dragons were growing quickly now both the size of my arms. The went over and started flying around everyone.

I was watching them eating a popsicle. Hika and Hina sat down next to me.

"So your in love?" They laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your always looking at Konro when you both aren't talking."

They were both so right it was painful.

Love blooms in weird places (Konro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now