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Tk leaves Ashi's room angrily and exits from the backdoor. Ashi starts crying and sits on the floor.

Ashi- Why did this happen? He hates me honey now. I didn't wanted this. Do something honey.

Aash hugs Ashi and in sometime she sleeps while crying.

[The next day at night]

Rishi- Are you ready for this Ashi?

Ashi- Yes.

Rishi- There is a tracker in your jacket. Make sure you don't remove your jacket.

Ashi- Don't worry.

Just as that day Ashi went drunk there. As usual Tk came there and saw here. He came near her and held her before she could trip.

Ashi- I'm not drunk Tk.

Tk- I know.

Ashi- Still you came?

Tk- I'm leaving. Please go away from here.

Ashi- There is a tracker on my jacket. I'll signal it and the police will come.

Tk- Ashi leave.

Ashi- This was my last chance to see you because now you won't come from Sunday to Sunday to see me.

Tk- Ashi go.

Ani comes. He is the one behind this racquet. Today Satan were going to see him for the first time and that's why Rishi planned Ashi to go there this day.

Ani- Who is this girl?

Satan- Ani, right?

Ani- yes but who?

Tk- We don't know her.

Ani- kill her. She has seen our face. I'm waiting in the next street.

Tk- but..

Ani hands over a gun to Tk.

Ani- kill her in front of me.

Ashi- Kill me Tk. I'll prefer to die than to live with your ignorance. Rishi is my brother Tk not my lover. I didn't want to support him but yesterday when you left I had no other option left. I wanted to see you and tell you the truth. I love you Tanzeel. (Ashi starts moving towards Tk while speaking) From the day you came in my life to this day you were all over my mind. I couldn't think of anything else but you. My bad luck I always end up loving someone I can't have.

Ani- Shoot her.

Ashi- But after loving you I feel that if I can't have you then I don't want to have anyone else.

Now Ashi was close to Tk. She holds Tk hands which had gun and points towards herself. Both are crying, looking into each other's eyes while Ani says to shoot her.

Ashi- I love you and will always love you Tanzu.

Ashi presses the trigger and shoots herself. She falls on the ground..

To be continued :)

I have cried writing this chapter😭 & yes only two more parts left and this fanfic ends💜

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