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Ashi tore the envelope and took the paper kept inside. She unfolded it and started reading.

Miss Ashi khanna. Why are you always thinking about me? I know you are even right now thinking about me. It is strange that I do the same. No no not think about you about myself yaar, jk. Okay sorry for my sudden dissappear last night. You thought you were dreaming right? Funny but you weren't I was actually with you. I always have a good time around you. You feel different. Different that makes me want you near me always. I know you must have written your letter for me so I tomorrow I'm getting two. I wanted to take it today when you were outside the cafe looking for a cab but I saw police nearby and you know its a risk. I also know how you have thousands of questions on you mind regarding me and have answer to none. You assume things to convince yourself but I promise to tell you everything the next Sunday we meet. Let me also know how you day went and what all you did. I'm eagerly waiting for my letters.

Ashi was completely crying reading the letter. She was happy that she wasn't dreaming last night and Tk was actually there but the thought of Tk not loving and feeling the same way she did was killing her.

Ashi's pov- Why is everything so dangerous with you Tk? Why is it a risk? Can't you be a normal person whom I can love and care for. I have to choose between duty and love and I can never harm you but also you not being arrested is a big danger to several people lives. Why things are so complicated. Ah!

She sat on her table and started writing Tk's letter. She finished writing it but was continously weeping. She was worried about what will she do.

[Next day]
Ashi was going to her college where a random kid came to her and asked for two letters. She handed the letter and focused on where the kid is going but someone tapped her shoulder. She turned and saw a man asking her directions. Once she told, she turned and saw the kid nowhere. She again turned and found the man had gone. She understood it was Tk who doesn't wants me to know he is here and risk his life along with mine.

To be continued :)

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