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﹂︎CHAPTER 37﹁︎


As soon as I noticed Jerome's bullet wound getting worse I panicked. "If you don't hold pressure against it, you're going to die!" I exclaimed, as Jerome held his hand against his shoulder.

"I know a friend's place that we can drop by but after that we need to leave" I said, looking at Jerome firmly. "And by leave I mean the city, and we can't come back" I urged waiting for Jerome's response.

"Okay" He agreed. "I'm s—"

"Save the apologies for later, we need to get the bullet out before..." I trailed off and Jerome looked at me, cupping my cheek with his un-injured arm. "I'm not going to die, Novey"

I nodded and we took off to the only place I could think of going. I just hope they were going to be happy to see us.

I knocked on the door anxiously waiting for the person to open to the door and hopefully not shoo us away.

"Nova?" The girl exclaimed, pulling me into a bone crushing hug as soon as she laid eyes on me.

"The one and only" I laughed. "I missed you so much Babs, sorry I didn't visit or call sooner" I apologised.

"You're here now" She smiled and I returned it.

Barbara's eyes soon trailed to Jerome but she didn't look confused or angry. "I watched the news" she shrugged and I let out an airy laugh.

Barbara let us in her house, making sure to make us feel welcomed, though I told her we wouldn't be staying long only until Jerome's wound had fully healed.

The good thing was we had the perfect spot to lay low, I mean Barbara's house is at least a few blocks away from the previous scene which had just unleashed and i'm almost positive no one would expect us to be here.

Barbara had offered to fix Jerome up which I immediately agreed to as she has had more experience than me at removing bullets and disinfecting the wounds.

After Barbara finished up with Jerome she decided to cook dinner for us all, while Jerome and I decided to have a little talk.

We stepped foot into Barbara's spare bedroom, Jerome walking straight to the bed and sitting on the edge. "Hell of a day, Novey. I say we've made quite the impression" Jerome grinned.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted, ignoring his previous statement and stupid grin that was etched onto his face.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"I mean you and that stupid suicide mission of yours! not to mention you didn't even tell me what you were planning and if you died again I don't know what I would've done" I scolded, closing the gap between us as I towered over him.

"Hmm" He hummed, eyeing me.

"That's all you've got to say?" I scoffed.

"Pretty much" He mumbled.

"You're a dick" I hissed, hitting him in his injured shoulder as he groaned rolling his head back.

"Low blow, Novey" He rolled his eyes, a smirk soon overtaking it.

"Thought you liked me getting low!" I yelled, before walking out of the bedroom and slamming the door shut.

"What was that about?" Barbara asked, as she pottered around the kitchen.

"Just Jerome being his usual self, up to no good and almost getting himself killed, again" I sighed.

"Sounds like the Jerome I remember" Barbara laughed.

"If not worse" I added on causing Barbara to furrow her brows, but I shook my head seeing as Jerome come strolling in.

"Ladies" He smiled as Barbara just finished dishing the home made lasagna out onto our plates.

It didn't take us long to demolish the delicious food Barbara had prepared for Jerome and I. Us eventually catching Barbara up on events that have occurred in these past busy months.

Not long later Barbara decided to head off to bed, leaving Jerome and I alone. "Novey?" Jerome called out, snapping me out of my thoughts as we both sat on the couch.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry" He admitted.

"Really? what for?" I rolled my eyes, clenching and unclenching my jaw.

"For not involving you in my plan and almost getting killed?" He said, almost as if it was a question.

He still apologised, so I suppose it's progress.

"It's okay" I sighed. "I just want you to trust me and tell me these things, you know?" I said, both of our green eyes boring into one another's.

"I do trust you, you're the only one I trust" Jerome whispered, his hot breath fanning over my face.

"Good" I whispered, our lips soon finding their way to each other as Jerome pulled me onto his lap, grasping my hips and sucking on my bottom lip.

And for the rest of the night we talked and laughed amongst ourselves, almost as if we were normal, as if everything was normal and we weren't criminals on the run.

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