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﹂︎CHAPTER 30﹁︎


Eventually the two men who had me pinned to the ground roughly pulled me up. Well the one did, while the other one stood back and watched with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes as one of the cop's dragged me to the cop car. "So" I said, clicking my tongue. "What's your name?"

The cop immediately stopped in his tracks, glaring at me before continuing to shoo me closer to the car.

"Hey mister, you know it's rude to ignore someone" I half joked.

No reply.

"Are you mute or something?" I scoffed.

"Get in the car" He stated lazily.

"Ah! So he does speak" I said, raising my brow.

"Car. Now" He motioned with his head.

I walked closer towards the car as if I was going to get in but I stopped, closing the final distance between the cop car and I, when my back was pressed firmly against the door. "Not until you tell me your name" I stated, stalling the cop, sneakily looking around to make sure Jerome had really escaped.

"Stop messing about! And get in the damn car before I make you!" He shouted, his voice raising higher than last time.

"Sure thing, Mr Campbell." I winked.

He looked at me in disbelief before opening and closing his mouth, then finally speaking up. "How did yo-" He started, but I cut him off, kicking him in the groin seeing as two cops came walking out of the mirror maze with their hands wrapped around Jerome's arm.

I watched as they slowly walked Jerome further away from the mirror maze. As he got closer I could see his face, he looked to have been beaten to a pulp. And that's when I ran in his direction.

"What the hell happened to you? I thought you escaped!" I yelled, cupping his face with my hands immediately getting pulled back before Jerome could even reply.

"Let me go you bastard!" I screamed as the person kept dragging me back by the waist.

I could see that Jerome was glaring daggers into the person who was dragging me back. "Careful with her!" Jerome shouted gritting his teeth.

I squirmed in persons grip and elbowed them in the gut multiple times, which made them move slightly but it was still no use.

I looked to Jerome who was already half way into the cop car. I could see him mouth the words. 'I have a plan.' After that they fully shoved his head into the car and were already off to Arkham or so I assume.

And, oh how I was right. Here we are at the gates of Arkham a place I hoped I would never see again.

I hoped Jerome would already be inside, unless they put him in BlackGate. Which is 100% worse than Arkham, not that I would know personally, but the stories i've heard. Well, let's just say I hope to never find out for myself.

I walked through the compacted halls of the asylum, the memories flooding back, from the conversations with Jerome, to where I would always dodge Thomas in the halls, and not to mention when the guards would always pick on Jonathan Crane, and I would be the only one who would help and stick up for him. It makes me wonder what he's doing and if he's still even here.

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