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﹂︎CHAPTER 33﹁︎


It was the next morning and Jerome had informed me that he had things to do and places to be. Though I was curious of where he went, I didn't question it but I suppose i'll soon find out because after all, the truth always comes out.

We said our goodbyes and I decided to get ready and pay an old friend a visit. The friend being Harper as the last time we met I found out she snaked on me. So, I think it's about time she knows that I know what she did.

I still had her address, assuming she still lived there and if she didn't i'd find another way, but something told me she still lived there.

Eventually I made it to her house which wasn't far from Mooneys club, or should I say Oswald's club as he had recently taken over it after Fish went against Carmine Falcone.

I didn't really have a game plan, I was just planning on going in there and confronting her. I mean no harm done, right?

Wrong, because a deeper part of me is begging to punish her and make her feel how I felt on that day she betrayed me.

I pushed all thoughts to back of my head and knocked on the door. It was just about a minute until she answered.

I could see the colour drain from her face and she froze. "Hey, best friend" I greeted. "May I come in?"

She didn't reply but gulp and hesitantly move aside, allowing me to come into her home. It was a good thing she lived alone.

"Why do you seem so nervous?" I asked, as I watched her fiddle with her fingers.

"I..I'm not, i'm just surprised to see you here, I mean- we were supposed to meet.." Harper started but I cut her off harshly.

"The night we arranged to, yes. We were until you betrayed me" I tutted, walking towards her and I could of sworn she shrunk.

"What do you mean?" She asked, trying to seem confident but her voice cracks said otherwise.

"Cut the crap" I scoffed. "I saw you the night we were supposed to meet and you brought Jim and the GCPD"

Harper didn't say anything but look down and that confirmed everything I needed to know. "Why'd you do it?" I asked.

She shook her head, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "Why are you doing this?" She begged, her voice breaking.

"Doing what? I'm not doing anything, you did this to yourself" I scoffed.

"You're crazy!" Harper yelled.

"Maybe" I mumbled. "But I think i've heard enough" I grinned, ready for the next part.

Deep down my gut was screaming for me to not do what I was planning next, yet my head was telling me the opposite and all I could think back to was how she betrayed me.

My best friend, who once meant everything to me, but of course she soon showed her true colours and I needed her know that i'm not letting her get off that easy.

Minutes later I tied her to a chair in the kitchen. "Do I kill or torture you.." I taunted, circling her helpless frame.

"Neither! I'm your best friend" Harper exclaimed.

"Was" I corrected.

"Oh, boohoo. I told the GCPD" Harper suddenly said, her once frown now turning into a sly smirk. "We all know the real reason you're doing this"

"And what's that?" I hissed, getting closer to her face.

"You can't accept the fact you're fucking crazy! Not to mention every person in your life has left or betrayed you" She smirked, suddenly gaining a burst of confidence.

"Shut up, you know nothing!" I yelled, stepping forward and slapping her in the face.

Her head turned aside from the impact of the slap and she winced but nonetheless continued. "Of course I do, we were best friends" She said as blood dripped from her lip.

I took a deep breath knowing at any moment I was going snap. I have to admit though, she knows what she's doing and it's almost working.

"Listen here and listen good" I whispered viciously, looking into her eyes. "I know what you're trying to do and I have to admit it's working, that's why it's going to suck for you when you die" I hissed. "I'll make it quick if that counts for anything" I mumbled as I walked over to the kitchen counter, picking up the sharpest knife.

At this given moment I was seeing red, all I could hear were the words she said, repeating over and over in my mind. "Every person in your life has left or betrayed you" and the worst part was she was right.

I always knew deep down something was wrong with me and all I did was long for help but it's not like anybody listened. That was until I met Jerome.

I was soon snapped out of my daze of the wailing cries of Harper, her now coming to the realisation I was going to kill her.

I ran my finger over the shiny knife admiring its deadly intention. I suppose she must of thought I was bluffing, but I never bluff and she of all people should know that.

As I stalked over to her with the knife in my right hand. I could only imagine the pleasure i'd receive from her death "This is sweet revenge, dear friend" I muttered, before plunging the knife into her chest.

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