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﹂︎CHAPTER 24﹁︎


Last night took quite the toll on me, in fact I didn't get much sleep and the bags under my eyes proved that.

I feel so numb and lonely, not knowing what to do or who to turn to. The only thing that's really keeping me going are the memories of Jerome and I.

I was currently staring at the blank wall in front of me, fantasising about the times Jerome and I had. The good and the bad because I treasured every minute I spent with him, even if it wasn't for long.


And just like that I was separated from the fantasy in mind, brought back to this tragic reality. I look aside and see my phone which lit up. I let out a huff, not wanting to deal with anyone today but I still decided to take a look.

I slid from one side of my bed to the other, so I could grab my phone from my dresser. I looked down to see that an unknown person had just sent me a message.

If you want to see Jerome again, meet me at the abandoned cinema, north of the GCPD, 5th street.
Sent: 5:49PM

Who the hell is this???
Sent: 5:50PM

A friend.
Sent: 5:51PM

Oh, well that's all I need.
I mean your name dumbass?
Sent: 5:53PM

Sent: 5:53PM

Well, Dwight.
If this is some sick joke, you
can kindly fuck off.
Sent: 5:54PM

I assure you, this is no joke,
Miss Harmon.
Sent: 5:55PM

I looked down at my phone in utter shock.
How the hell does this mystery guy who calls himself 'Dwight' know my damn name?

How do you know my name?!
Sent: 5:57PM

Because, Nova. I know everything about you and Jerome, for that matter. And that's why I think you should meet me if you want to see him again.
Sent: 5:58PM

How? it's not possible, he's dead.
Sent: 5:58PM

Look, i'll answer all your questions later if you meet me at the abandoned cinema.
Sent: 5:59PM

I let out another long sigh as I read his message over and over, mentally debating if I should go or not. I mean it's worth a shot, but like the Harper situation what if it's another trap?

Though, I do have a feeling that there's more to it and I'm willing to risk anything if it means bringing Jerome back.

After having a mental debate with myself, I quickly texted him back finally coming to a decision.

I'll be there.
Read: 6:03PM

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