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﹂︎CHAPTER 23﹁︎


I woke up deciding it would be a new day for me as there was no use in me moping around, especially when I have things to do. Such as, plans to meet Harper.

Seeing as Jerome gave me an idea before he died and of course it would take my mind off him. All that's left for me to do is message Harper and ask if she wants to meet, then I suppose i'll soon find out if she brings Jim or not.

There's no reason I should doubt her or anything, I just have a bad feeling and it's hard to trust people these days.

Though I have known her for at least a year or so and since then we were always close, but after everything that happened with Theo, Jerome and the maniax, I obviously couldn't get in contact with her because it wasn't safe.

Hey Harper, I'm really sorry about Ignoring
your calls and texts. It wasn't the best thing to do,
but at the time it was my only option, trust me.
Would you wanna meet up some time today?
i'll be able to explain everything.
Sent: 12:37AM

Hey Nova! about time you reached out to me.
I understand, I suppose. And yes I would like that, I mean we used to be so close and now you're basically a stranger. But what about work? you haven't been in months, at this point everyone's just forgot you worked here.
Sent: 12:40AM

Again, I'm sorry. That's why I want to sort things out between us. And yeah work, I'll explain that too, because it connects to the reason I was absent. And I'm not surprised, nor upset. It was about time I got out of there anyway.
Sent: 12:42AM

I do too, it would be nice to have my best friend back. How about we meet outside the Gotham Gazette? Also, I thought you enjoyed working at the Asylum?
Sent: 12:43AM

I read over her message, the Gotham Gazette. That was the place Jerome told me about, it was where he threw people off the roof of the gazette. It was all over the papers and everything. But why would she want to meet there? out of all places especially.

You there?
Sent: 12:47AM

I was just thinking of another place we could meet, maybe Fish Mooney's club? and I did enjoy work sometimes. It's just time for me to move onto
something new.
Sent: 12:49AM

But she's a criminal! and so is everyone who goes there, well most of them at least.
Sent: 12:50AM

Harper, we work with criminals or at least I did, but you still do.
Sent: 12:50AM

I was getting quite frustrated with her, I mean I don't know why she's being doubtful? I understand we haven't seen each other in a while and she's curious, but if she wants to meet me as much as she says, she should at least try to trust me.

I know, but that's different. Why can't you just meet me at the Gazette?
Sent: 12:52AM

Meet me at Fish's club, 2PM.
Take it or leave it, I'll be there.
Read: 12:53AM

Seeing as she left me on read, leaves me with doubts in my mind, not knowing if she'll show up or not. I suppose I'll find out soon enough though.

And hour or so later, I was ready to leave. I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I put on my black ripped jeans, with a black lace corset shirt and my black boots. I also added my red-wine colour leather jacket to the outfit, considering Gotham can be quite chilly at times and it looked good.

I got into my car and sped off making my way towards Fish Mooney's club. I pulled up and parked a few blocks before Fish's club, as I don't want to be too close and be seen. So at least now I have a quick escape if something does go wrong. 

I sat in my car debating whether I should text Harper or not, letting her know that I'm here.

I'm here. Have you decided to show up?
if you have, are we meeting inside or out?
Sent: 2:02PM

I'm a few blocks away and outside.
Sent: 2:05PM

Read: 2:05PM

I was hoping she would want to meet inside, as it's less of a chance of me getting caught. Now that we're going to be out in the open, there's more of a chance for me to be seen.

And who knows which cops are patrolling this area at night. All I hope is that it's not Jim or his bearded sidekick.

I jumped out of my car, proceeding to lock it as I slammed it shut. I walked along the sidewalk, cautiously making my way to Fish's bar.

As I past a few stores, I could see the reflection of red and blue lights. I already assumed the worse, I mean you can't blame me with everything going on. But I still had faith in Harper, I mean what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?

I continued walking, stopping dead in my tracks as I knew that if I took one more step, I would be exposed into the open Main Street.

I peaked out gripping my hands on the wall as I looked around the area, and it looked pretty clear. That was until I saw Harper. With no one other than the one and only Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock.

I was shocked to say the least and especially because I still had faith in her, and by the looks of it she had clearly lost all faith and trust in me.

But that's when it clicked in my head, the only reason she wanted to meet at the Gotham Gazette was because it would have been much easier for Jim to get me, considering it's just one straight empty street, with no place I could of hid.

That's mainly the reason I wanted to meet at Fish's, other than the reason of there being of plenty other criminals here, so it would be harder to be found with all of them crowded in one place.

I looked at them once more before turning around and leaving back into the direction of where my car is parked. I walked away sighing, the feeling of betrayal jabbing at my heart.

The worst part is that it was caused by my own so called 'best friend.' But one thing I knew for sure is that she has to go. I mean after all what do they say

Snitches get stitches.

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