Instalment Thirty Nine

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I've never been so completely lost for words.

"Me" you reply with a pleased devilish tone coating your words, but I can still sense something off.

Impulse driving me off the bed as I back away from you, heading closer to the desk, further from the door.

"Zayn?" resorting to only one-word phrases, knowing that I already know the answer.

"Freshening up" you coo, a hint of pride in your voice.

"But he, I, he, YOU!" I shout as the pieces start to fit together in my head.

YOU helped Zayn out of the bunker, YOU helped release him the first time when he killed Michael. YOU knew about this, all of this.

"I guess, I have a bit of explaining to do then?" you mock before both of our attention is turned toward your door as we hear it open and a soaking wet Zayn walks through the door, towel wrapped around his waist.

The minute our eyes meet, he doesn't look shocked to see me, however, somewhat glad.

The corners of his mouth turn at the hinges as he changes direction toward you, taking your jaw in his grip and smashing your lips together. You hesitate for a moment before meeting his urgency and linking your arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

"I don't understand?" I shake my head in confusion. Your body language is throwing me off, I can see what you are doing, but I don't think I believe you. I can see it in your eye, Harry. I know you, as much as you're trying to prove to me now that I don't, I know everything there is to possibly know about you, and this isn't it.

You pull away from Zayn first, which only heightens my presumptions that there is more than what you are letting on.

"Let's just agree that you've been completely fucked over Tommo" Zayn spits out in my direction, immediately fuelling me with more disgust for him, if it were even possible.

"How about you just go" you speak up from behind Zayn, where you seem to be hiding. Your voice is low and shaken.

"No, I think he should stay" Zayn interrupts you, holding a hand out to shush you. I don't like the way he is treating you Harry.

"You don't need him here for this, everything's in play, I'll talk to him later" you push again to get your point across.

A sudden movement from Zayn and my blood is instantly boiling as his hand connects harshly with the side of your face.

Your reflex brings your hand up to cover where I am sure the skin is on fire and I can see water forming quickly at the brim of your eyes.

My reflex however, sends me flying across the room and propelling my body into the side of Zayn's tackling him right into the floor.

I feel like something had completely taken over my body as when I seemed to have come to again; my fists were alternating sending firm punches right into the front of Zayn's head, him poorly attempting to block with his form arms as I feel your body desperately trying to pull me off him.

The crimson red blood now soaking my knuckles a good representation that I've managed to lay some decent hits in.

One last final tug from you and my legs release their firm hold on his waist. "Don't you ever lay a hand on him again" I scream as your pulling me further back.

"Louis, please, breathe for me" I hear the lingering of your words echoed through me the minute you speak them; however our harsh reality pulling me from that high just as quick.

"You've got some nerve" I boast, shrugging myself eagerly out of your grip.

The look in your eye Harry; I can't work out what they are trying to tell me. But it's desperately screaming something.

"Can we just talk, please" your begging sounds almost genuine, but to be honest, I can't hear any of the words you want to tell me right now.

"Stay away from me"

And with that, I harshly pull open the door and out the front entrance, by passing Anne who was asking something, however I was no longer gifted the sense of hearing, rage completely consumed me, as did an overwhelming amount of hurt. A pain I never knew existed until now.

Turning on my engine and letting my tyres scream out every octave I craved; I let the darkness consume me as I surrendered to its power. Letting it take me wherever it deemed necessary.

Your name constantly appears on my Home Screen Harry and it's taking more than I care to admit amounts of willpower to avoid those calls.

As I sit on the edge of the ledge, overlooking the city lights, I'm almost completely sure you've taken Zayn to seek medical attention, judging by the amount of evidence on my knuckles; his face couldn't be doing so well.

I let my brain wander through our last almost two years together Harry; you've been deceitful for how much of it? At what point in our story did I become the villain, when all I was attempting was the hero.

I guess there are never really any hero's in the tragic romances are there?

I just hoped so badly that our story was going to be different. I needed our story to be different.

What else had I missed?


Where did I drop the line? I don't know where it was that I messed up so bad? Did my feelings toward you somehow cloud my judgment?

Did exposing my weaknesses make me vulnerable?

Omg, Emerson.

My stomach twists and turns at the very thought.

You took Michael away from me; knowing he was important and the only other person to me more important than him; is her.

You wouldn't.

You couldn't.

But he could.

Tapping aimlessly on my phone, searching for the number I need whilst constantly swiping away your incoming call, My fingers won't cooperate to find what I need.

Then I see another name pop up on the incoming call list.


This is a call I need to take.

When I hit the accept button; I choose to speak no words, holding the receiver up to my ear, I just listen.

Her sweet, innocent yet terrified voice coming through the speaker is the scream I immediately hear


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