Instalment Thirty Three

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Duct Tape.

Cable Ties.

Metal Rod.


Pulling all the materials from the shopping cart up on to the counter, I realise that I am equipped to be the ultimate serial killer, so I throw a stick of gum up on the counter in an attempt to soften the blow. Perfect.

The cashier was nice enough to accept my failed attempt and gave a comforting smile as she handed me my paper bag of supplies and I return to my car, throwing it on my passenger seat before starting the motor and heading off for my pleasant Monday morning drive.

I have an exam at school today, however, I need to stop by my bed & breakfast to check in on my guests.

"Good morning my loves" I call out upon entering the bunker.

As I get into visual of the two boys hurled up in their beds, I must admit I have a favourite as I dip down and place a gentle kiss on the top of Michael's head. "How are you going baby?" I ask, completely ignoring the moans coming from the other bed at the moment. I really don't appreciate his attitude.

Michael's eyes give me a comforting answering and I really do miss the sound of his voice, it's been four long years, but his voice is inscribed into my brain and I'll never forget it. I can still hear him telling me that he loves me and also calling me an idiot when I do something stupid.

"Louis, I swear to god, if you do not let me out of here now"

The pitiful whines coming from Zayn are really starting to get on my nerves and I'm tempted to just end him here and now.

"What Zayn? What are you possibly going to do?" I laugh. Because honestly what hope does he have.

"You're not going to get away with this!" He shouts at me, earning a loud chuckle from me and as I peer down at Michael who is displaying a small curve in the corners of his lips.

He knew.

"Listen ladies, I have a test at school so unfortunately I will have to love you and leave you" I place another kiss upon Michaels cheek and shoot Zayn my glorious middle finger before refilling their saline bags and heading off to school.

Michael is always going to mean a lot to me, he was a huge part of my past and having him completely rely on me for survival at this point, you can't help but develop a certain connection.

But enough of that. Today Harry, I am meeting you in the library, of course; of all places this seems to be where we end up. We are getting some study done before our first final exam of the year, but I've found my study material to be upon the features in your face.

Your emerald green eyes are darting across the pages, attempting to take in all its tutelage, your eyebrows tense, although you are frustrated, but I know better than this now, you furrow your eyebrows when you're concentrating and so indulge in something. You get the same look when you are deep in one of your tragic romances.

I can't tear my eyes away from you Harry, the way you bite into the end of your pen cap as you flick through your notes or tap it upon your bottom tooth as you search your mind for answers. The way that through this entire time I have had my eyes glued to you and not once you have looked in my direction. You're totally focused, and I can see that I can almost admire that, your undivided attention is completely focused on one target, on one goal. I feel the same way when you're with me too Harry. Your attention is completely on me and it's like not a damn thing in the world would sway your attention.

I have to excuse myself, your beauty has me all worked up and as much as I would like to slam you up against these bookshelves right now or have you go down on me in the bathroom stall, I unfortunately can only rely on my imagination and right hand to ease the tension growing.

I close my eye an envision your soft curls bouncing from how vigorously I'm thrusting into your hips, My hand keeping up with my enthusiasm. My eyes shoot open at the sudden ding coming from the borrowed electronics.

"Good luck in your finals today"

Harry. Harry. Harry.

Why can you not let this boy go? What is it you owe him?

"You as well"

I need to keep the facade up that Zayn is very much alive and well.

But why is he still on your mind Harry? That's the part that I cannot understand and can't say I'm too fond over. Especially with how much I was just admiring how you kept focus on your studies yet Zayn was enough to pull your focus.

It's torture Harry and I thought I deserved more.

So much so, I can't even finish what I came here to do and right now, I can't even look at you.

I grab my things and head down the stairs of the library and out to the hall, wonder if you'll wish me good luck on these tests.

Sitting down, listening to the constant tapping of pens on desks echoing through the halls and I can't even concentrate, these words don't spell out any English word I am familiar with and I just, I don't have it in me to be okay with this.

But there is one thing I know.

One thing I am absolutely sure of more than anything.

I need to protect you from him.

I need to help you get rid of him for good.

I don't believe this is a romantic connection, no. You're not that stupid or moronic.

No. There is something more to this and I need to know what it is. You surprise me at the best of times Harry and right now I think there is more to this.

Zayn needs to go.

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now