Instalment Twenty Seven

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Today is our first date Harry and I'm excited to see where this is going to go. I'm glad you've finally come to your senses, and sure we have spent time one on one before, but somehow it feels different this time.

I woke up before the sunrise today, which is something new in itself, and it was a reminder that today, everything will be different, nothing will be what I am used to, and to be honest, I should hate that, but I don't. How could I when It involves you?

I sat on my front veranda, fresh cup of tea in hand and watched as the sun made its way over the tip of the hilltop, shining its orange glow over the darkened world. Reminds me of you Harry, you were my glimmer of light in my dark world.

Taking small sips of the warmed liquid and enjoying its taste as it trickles down my throat, I flick through the messages on Zayn's phone. I had to keep up his appearance until I decided what it was, I wanted to do with him.

Lucky for me, daddy dearest prefers you out of his hair and judging by your manipulated recent posts on Instagram, you're off letting your hair down with some protentional university offerings for next year. Conveniently, far enough away that no one will join you.

Quite irresponsible of you to take off this close to finals. But who am I to judge?

But what I didn't expect to come across, Harry, was that you still message him. Nothing like conversation starters or anything, but you pop your gorgeous little head into his life just enough for him to keep you on the brain, which makes me believe, he's still on yours.

It's been a week since you told me you broke it off with him, and I've counted 15 interactions from you.

This has disappointed me Harry and I hoped that you could have let him go by now, but you haven't.

Why can't you walk away Harry?

What game are you playing with Zayn? And more importantly, what game are you playing with me?

You said that after our night together at the water how could you not leave him. And then you kissed me again, did you leave him because you felt like you had to after cheating? Or is it because you like me?

You've left me confused now Harry, and I don't like that.

When I pulled up on your street, it was completely lined with cop cars surrounding your place. I can't lie and say that my heart didn't immediately drop thinking something may have happened to you, but that was momentarily until I saw you sitting on the front step with your mother, both having your words scripted into paper by the policeman in front of you.

I pull the car up on the other side of the road and make my way over to you, as soon as your eyes spot my presence you immediately get up off your feet and stride toward me.

"What's going on?" I ask as you forcefully grab my upper arm and lead me back in the direction of my car. "Harry?"

"They are questioning us about the whereabouts of Leon's body, they've got cops here with a search warrant" the concern in your voice is dominate, but you and I both know you had nothing to do with it, so you shouldn't be worried.

"They won't find anything Harry" I tease, trying to lighten you up a little, but silently, turned on by how tense you are.

"This isn't funny Louis" you snap pushing my hand away.

"Relax Styles"

I walk back in the direction of your mother who has blank expression on her face answering questions as if it was second nature to her.

Luckily for the both of you, I have more experience with dealing with police than I care to admit to anyone right now.

"Problem officer?" I say in a chirpy voice, interrupting his lengthy page of questions.

"Who are you?" wow rude much.

"Louis Tomlinson, nice to meet you officer..." I glance quickly down at the name bag hanging around the neck of this lanky blonde college dropout "Wheezer" I have to control myself not to chuckle. 

"This is a private matter son, why don't you run along home?"

Okay I already don't like you, and be careful, I'm sure I could squeeze one more in into the bed and breakfast I am running across town.

"Louis, it's okay, could you just take Harry for a while, I will deal with this" The sweet voice of your mother has a calming effect on me Harry. She really is beautiful in every sense of the word.

"Sure thing" I agree looking back over to you and you're looking more aggravated than impressed about our date now.

"Shall we?" I mock as I sling an arm around your shoulder, obviously having to reach high up on my tip toes. Why are you so tall Harold, it's unnatural?

"Louis, I'm not really feeling like a date at the moment, I don't want to leave mum here alone" you care Harry, and it's sweet. I get it. But there's nothing you can do, and your constant need to protect your mother will just make her look more guilty.

"She will be okay. Come on, I've planned it all out, took me hours" I lie, I haven't really planned much at all.

Not because I don't care, but you're a simple person Harry. I have learned from the first time you led me to a library, you enjoy the simple things in life and although you find yourself completely engulfed in all of these tragic romances, I know that deep down, you're just praying for the happy ending, to make all the struggles worth it.

You've agreed to at least let me get you in the car, but I see your gaze hold strong on your front lawn as I pull away from the curve, your head isn't going to be on this date, but I'm hoping I can change that for you, even if just for a moment.

Pulling up by the lake side where we had our swim just only a week ago, I see the corners of your mouth curve, only the slightest, but enough to earn me success.

You appreciate the sentiment.

Pulling the quilted blanket out of the back seat, along with the small basket of store-bought goods, I lay them out as you watch, thanks for the help.

But when I catch contact with your eyes, the admiration that is pouring from them is worth my forgiveness.

You drop to your knees and then fall to one side, resting your body against one arm that's positioned underneath your head, holding your curls back slightly.

I guess maybe you might relax after all.


Next Chapter will be sappy & cute & deep and meaningful and what not. It will be good to see them actually bonding. <3

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