Instalment Twenty One

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I had been expecting this visit for quite some time now. Liam mentioned that Zayn had been infuriating the wrong people again. He really is a magnet when it comes to drama, but either way, I've come to play.

The moment Louis stepped into my room that day, I knew I had met someone who was very much capable of taking down Zayn in exactly the ways I needed it to happen.

He had that look in his eye. I wasn't quite sure what the look was, it wasn't anger or deceitful, nor was it jealously or envy, I would recognise those looks anywhere, those vengeful eyes had gazed upon me for majority of my teen life.

A life that was stolen from me.

Zayn Malik owes me; he owes me my youth back. I had high aspirations and they were pulled from my grasp before I even had the opportunity to reach.

"Hello Louis"

His demeanour was intimidating, I'll give him that, so I was glad I wasn't in his firing line, something tells me one doesn't survive an attack like that. He was an attractive looking human, he had these striking sapphire eyes that hid the hunger that lie beneath them. He hid his dusty brown hair with a baseball cap which complimented his pupils nicely, perhaps even added a vibrance to them. But beneath these sat dark bruised coloured bags, as if he wasn't granted a decent slumber in weeks, but something like Zayn wouldn't keep a man like Louis awake at night, so I wondered, who was it on your mind not letting you rest?

"I hear you have some useful information for me?" he gets straight to the point, obviously, he didn't come here for a chit chat, he came here for my knowledge.

"I do, make yourself comfortable" the perks of being well-liked and a long-time patient at a place like Sunnyside Hillcrest was that I made my way up the ranks and my bedroom now sat on the top floor, overlooking the garden and I was allowed small décor, such as an arm chair next to a bookshelf with many novels that taunted a life I never got to lead.

Placing himself down in the armchair, the eager in his appearance made me not want to drag this out, he looked like he always had somewhere to be, somewhere else to go.

"My mother met Mr Malik just after my fifteenth birthday and broke the knowledge that we would be moving in with his family by the end of the summer. I knew of Zayn from school; however, he was younger than me, so we never shared any of the same interactions. But I did already know enough that it gave me an edge when it came to controlling the ropes at home. Did you know Zayn was one of Rodrick's star players back in the day? You wouldn't believe it now even if I said, not with how far he has dived into the arts and crafts. But Rodrick was faced with a tough decision, you see, Zayn suffers with borderline personality disorder.

With that, he was an extremely anxious, antisocial, self-destructive teen and it was causing Rodrick problems amongst the rest of the team because with this disorder came impulsive behaviour and he could just absolutely flip if triggered. Rodrick couldn't have his image tainted by his own, so they made the decision to pull him from the team.

That was the beginning of the end for Zayn and it was from then on, that he just lived this parallel life, he developed this distorted self-image and that's when I became his target. He was no longer good enough for his father, not good enough for his teammates, so he set his sights on higher targets.

Do you know he is actually a natural red head? He saw this as a downfall, so he began dying his hair black and just became this whole other person.

So, I get that getting the knowledge of having borderline personality disorder doesn't really help you, but have you heard of triangulation?"

The look on Louis face suggested no.

"Triangulation is a common tactic that they use to make themselves feel safe, they place themselves at the top and they always need to have the two points down the bottom, often one is someone they are seeing or close to, and then they use the other as a manipulation device to make the other one jealous therefore proving their love and commitment to them.

Zayn will always have two people in play whenever he is experiencing some sort of relationship."

Louis nods his head in agreement, and you could see the cognition turning in his head. "Harry and Liam."

I chuckle lightly to myself and shake my head. "Liam is no longer in Zayn's realm, but Harry is. What you need to figure out is, is Harry the manipulated or the manipulator"

He looks at me with confused eyes, but quickly understands.

"There's someone else?" he asks.

"There is always someone else, but yes, there is. And I unfortunately cannot be the one to help you in that, but I know someone who can."

I pull out a black notebook from the bottom drawer of my bedside table, something I took many years ago waiting for the perfect moment, I think it had arrived.

"Reed Withers" I announce whilst handing Louis the book.

He takes it and flips through the first few pages before he comes to the realisation. "This is Zayn's diary?"

I nod in agreement; I took it the day they shipped me off here. I'm actually quite surprised he never came around here looking for it. I don't think he knew I had knowledge on his secret hidey holes.

"Yes, and he mentions Reed a lot, and not in any normal sort of way. I don't know who he is, or where you could find him, but I know that this person, is very important to Zayn. I feel like he is the constant in Zayn's triangle. Everyone else is a manipulator."

He reads a few of Zayn's entries and I could see his face light up as he continued to read.

"Do you think you can do something with this?" I ask.

The devilish eye in him grew wide, it's the first time I had seen him look actually daunting.

"Oh yeah, I can do something with this alright. Even better, I know who Reed Withers is"

I shouldn't be surprised, most psychopaths know each other, it's like an unofficial community, a family if you will.

Louis took the diary in his jacket pocket and swiftly left the room after thanking me.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me knowing that things were finally going to start happening in the ways of revenge with Zayn. It had been a long time coming, and this time, it was only going to be the truth that was going to bury him. Not a lie, like the way he buried me.

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now