Instalment Twenty Five

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Standing at the doorway with my arms folded in front of me, I look at the sight I have in front of me.

Silently pleased.

Not only do I have one useless body to feed, I now have the pain the ass mess that is, Zayn Malik.

He lay there unconscious in his new bed to which I was sure the drugs would keep him passed out for the next few hours at least. Gives me some leeway to go and see Harry before I need to deal with him again. I'm sure he will get a right shock waking up next to a man who won't be able to answer any of his questions.

Should have left a note introducing Michael.

Oh well, next time.

So, Harry, now I've taken care of Zayn, that leaves no more distractions for you and I. We are free to carry on with where we left off last night and may I say; it was an amazing place to be.

Arriving at your place, I hoped you would be home, where else do you really have to be after all? I would expect that you are waiting for my arrival as it would be a top priority.

Two firm bangs on the door, I await patiently for your arrival.

The door is swung open and it's time to get into character.

"Hello Anne, my name is Louis, I'm a.. friend.. of Harry's" the politeness and softness to my voice is definitely foreign to me.

"Oh, Louis" she speaks as if she had heard my name before. Do you talk about me Harry? "Harry has just popped out to grab some dinner, you're welcome to come in and wait?"

I am on a little of a time restraint, but I'll improvise.

"Thank you Anne" I accept and glide past her welcoming arm into the living room.

"Would you like some tea?"

"That'd be lovely" I inform before sliding off my jacket, hanging it loosely over the back of one of the two arm chairs that sat either side of a three seater chocolate brown couch. All facing the television screen placed underneath the front windowsill.

As my eyes glance around the living room, I can't help but be in awe of the family atmosphere your mother has created. Picture frames lace the surfaces of every piece of furniture displaying the years you have lived your life. Relatives who I suppose have passed on sit high on the bookshelf surrounded by candles.

"You have a lovely home" I offer, calling out to her listening ears from the kitchen.

"Thank you Louis" she acknowledges as she strides back into the living room, two cups of freshly made tea in her hands.

She offers me one and I take a seat down in the chair I had claimed previously with my jacket, Anne sitting herself down on the three seater, folding one leg over the other in a proper manner.

"So, Louis, tell me about yourself. I'm guessing you go to school with Harry?" Alright the small talk has begun, I can do this.

Taking a quick sip of the boiling hot tea; I nod before speaking "yes I do, and I guess there isn't much to tell just yet. Still figuring out my life"

"What do your parents do?" An innocent question you would presume, however packs one hell of a story.

"Both my parents are dead unfortunately, they passed on when I was 15 in a car accident" that will do. People dying in car accidents is a normal thing right?

"Oh, Louis I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Do you live with other relatives now?" Again, Anne that's a funny story. But I need to make myself sound less murderous and more, I can date your son.

"Umm, no I don't. I have been living in my parents house alone since I was 15. There was no one to take care of me, so I've just been doing it myself"

Okay let's play the poor me card.

Anne's eyes widen at my comment, it is hard to believe isn't it. A 15 year old boy taking care of themselves all these years, but I get why you wouldn't be able to imagine it Anne, Harry doesn't possess the same survival skills as I do.

"Oh Louis" success, she feels bad for me. That's sure to earn me some browny points.

Within moments; you come back through the door with plastic bags hung over your arms, full of groceries. Your eyes fall upon me and you look surprised, however not disappointed.

"Louis?" You gasp, stopping dead in your tracks.

"Hey" I casually reply; as if sitting in your living room sipping tea with your mother isn't a strange sight to see when you arrive home.

"What are you doing here?" Okay now I'm sensing some tension in your voice.

"It's a good time now" I state, referring to our earlier conversation.

Anne approaches you, taking the bags from your arm and placing a gentle kiss to the side of your cheek.

She loves you, Harry.

"I'll fix up some dinner, Louis why don't you join us for dinner?" Browny points.

"I'd love to" I accept with a smile before I'm being dragged off in the other direction from your pull on my hand Harry.

We swiftly make our way to your bedroom, my feet having to slightly jog to keep up with your enormous stride. You slam the door behind us as we enter, immediately switching to slam your lips against mine.

I move my lips with yours in an eager manner, dipping my tongue past the confines of your mouth, gripping the side of your neck with one hand and using the other to hold the dip in your lower back firmly against my own body.

The kiss was full on, however short lived as you pull away from me almost as quickly as you attached.

"Why are you here Louis?"

Were you not listening before?

"I told you Harry; it's a good time now"

You roll your eyes at me and shake your head in frustration.

"It's always on your terms" you shout.

Excuse you. "My terms? You're the one with the boyfriend"

"Yeah well I broke up with him this morning alright" oop; I didn't know that.

Oh well.

"Did you?"

"Of course; after last night Louis, how could I not?"

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