Instalment Seven

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That's what you are, Harry.

You are a remarkable creature.

I've had Bella practically dangle herself in front of you as my own personal puppet on a string and you aren't taking my bait. You did as I wanted and let her into your life, but you are really abysmal at sharing details. What lies beneath your surface Mr Styles and why won't you let me in?

The feedback I have received from Bella was almost disappointing as it was nothing I didn't already know about you, however it did prove rewarding when you cared to share trifling details about Leon. He is lucky he is already dead as it would have been his fate anyway.

I need to know more about you though Harry, and clearly using my little pawn piece wasn't working, time to throw myself in the lion's den, but if we are going to play this game Harry, I need you to become a piece of my past.

Did you know I was always fascinated by dolls, Harry? Pretty shocking isn't it. Bet you didn't expect that from me, but let that be your first and only warning, to except the unexpected from me, and even then, you won't envisage it.

But dolls were the very element that I needed to map out the way I would construct myself growing up, bending people to my liking and letting their lives play out to the very script I construct for them.

You're going to have to become one of the dolls from my past, Harry.

You'll understand, I'm sure, I only have to do this to protect my own heart after all. Isn't that the way all humans operate?

And if only you were willing to cooperate with my original plan, so really, there is no one else to blame here other than yourself.

I see you sitting alone in the school library, losing yourself once again in another pointless piece of literature, perhaps I should see that as an advantage, you'll actually enjoy being my personal play toy as you have clearly demonstrated that you enjoy letting someone else tell the story. I am ultimately just doing the same thing.

"Plans for Friday night?" I interrupt.

Flashing those daring emerald daggers at me as you close your book, using your index finger to mark your place. "Sorry?" you question.

"A few of us are coming back to school after hours for a party, join us?" I pretend like I am actually giving you an option in the matter.

"Oh, umm, are we allowed to do that?" How sweet Harold, you follow the rules. Or at least you want me to think you do.

"See you then" I ignore your comment and excuse myself, walking away knowing that I have left you curious. You are a curious creature after all.


What does anyone actually wear to an after-hours school party?

I still can't believe I was actually thinking of going. But it was Louis Tomlinson, he was hard to not admire. Even though he chose to ignore me three quarters of the time, I was shocked he even approached me. And I had a funny feeling that you do not reject any invitation, or order, from Louis Tomlinson.

From what I gathered, he runs this place, and I had secretly been admiring him from afar for the majority of this year, but to be fair, I think everyone did. He seemed to be one of those personalities that you just continuously to confuse admiration for fear.

I've gone with a simple jeans and black hoodie, safe option I supposed as it seemed to be the aesthetic that Louis went for most days so I took the hint that it should be accepted.

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now