Instalment Seventeen

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I'm never going to understand the obsession people have with playing sport, much less being part of a sweaty crowd of intoxicated mess cheering them on.

Is this really the scene you want to surround yourself with Harry?

You've turned up to the game tonight, which I knew you would. You aren't about disappointing people and you sure as hell wouldn't let down your team. I know that much about you now Harry. You're a people pleaser, in the same way you fake that you are enjoying yourself with Zayn is so obviously not satisfying you; the same way you continued to visit Leon's grave with your mother after everything he did; the same way in which deep down you know how much you want to rid yourself of Zayn, but it would hurt him, so you won't.

You would much rather continue to enforce discomfort and hurt on yourself than dare shift it onto anyone else.

A quality in you that I should love; most people do, it's usually the first thing they tell you, they are just so selfless, yet I find it the most infuriating trait about you.

Of course, too with you showing up means your shadow has done so as well. I wonder if you've spoken to him yet and judging but the lost puppy dog expression he has sprawled across his face, I'm guessing the answer is no. You haven't spoken. But he's shown up here anyway to support you.


You've played exceptionally well this game, seemed to have a little extra fuel in your fire. I enjoy seeing the hint of aggression that your displaying.

But I must admit Harry, my main focus of tonight's game has been on Zayn, we never did find out what happened when he went out to meet Liam. Do you know? Did something happen between them and is that why you aren't talking? I mean; you and I both know that you weren't completely innocent in his a sense, but you could easily pass that off as a mistake; a misunderstanding, where as if Zayn did something with Liam, would it be forgivable.

I need to find out answers.

Hey Zayn, fancy a new friend?

I slide myself down toward him on the bleachers, this is only for your own good Harry, I promise you it isn't prying.

"Hey, your Zayn, right?" I put on my best welcoming voice; I need this boy to trust me. What is that saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? I need to know what his intentions are, of course, I already know that he doesn't deserve you, but what my question is, why is it he thinks he does?

"Yeah, hey" coldness, wow, really Harry? This is the sort of people you want to surround yourself with.

Time to play Mr Malik.

"I'm sure I saw you at that party last weekend, you arrived with Harry yes?" I'm even disgusted in how cheerful and approachable I sound right now.

"Yeah, we are dating" claiming rights to you already Harry. I don't like the sound of that.

"Oh, I wasn't aware he was taken" let's just see Zayn how quickly you can be provoked, I need to test the waters slightly, find out what it is about you that is your undoing. Where do your vulnerabilities lie? Based on what I already know about your bloodlines, I could say that daddy is where I shall poke my knife.

I can hear the cogs turning inside of his head, keeping a particularly close eye on his features, I can see his right eyebrow cause a sudden twitch in, I struck a little nerve, good to know. Harry, this boy of yours is weak, in all aspects, I find it all too easy to crush him right now. Like a helpless little twig. Imagine how he would come undone if he knew how your body trembled to my touch.

"He is an amazing player" of course, choosing my words carefully, always being sure to include a double meaning. "Watching the way in which he moves, it's breathtaking isn't it?"

And there is another tensing of his brow combined with folding his lips inside his inexperienced mouth. Zayn is taking my bait, all too easily I may add, makes this game a little less fun.

"Who are you exactly?" wow, the condescending tone is almost taken as a compliment, but unfortunately, I'm not one to take compliments very well.

"I'm someone who knows you don't deserve someone like Harry. I'm someone who knows that you don't come anywhere close to satisfying him in more ways than even he would care to admit. You're going to wish you never foolishly considered yourself worthy of his time and company and if you continue to make a mockery out of this entire thing, I'll introduce you to a lovely old friend of mine, he's been needing some company lately."

I don't know what came over me Harry, and if you really look at it, I didn't threat your fragile campaign, after all, there is a difference between a threat and a promise.

Turning my attention back to the field, I can see your concerning eye on my little chat. You don't trust me, and probably for good reasoning, but that doesn't mean that all I spoke of was the truth.

I make myself scarce as I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about, I have somewhere to be anyway, and I really couldn't be late to it and seeing Zayn pointing in my direction makes it clear this conversation has gone how I presume.

Getting in my car, I've got a friend to meet, it's rather an important meeting if you think about it Harry, after all, depending on how this meeting goes, really solidifies the future of your little friend, and let's be honest we are all hoping for the best outcome.

"Liam, I presume?" I ask, acting as if I hadn't already done more than enough extensive research to work out exactly who this man is.

"And you're Louis." Beautiful, a man after my own heart.

Exchanging a simple handshake, I could sense that this was business, nothing more, nothing less. Liam was here for the same reason I was.


"I understand you have some questions regarding Zayn Malik?" he exclaims.

"That I do"


After talking with Liam, I gathered more than enough information, more than I even thought there was and I must say Harry, your choices in men are questionable at best.

Are you really aware of the devil you're lying down with?

I mean, compared to me, he's got nothing, and he is going to be easily taken down. That's no problem at all, but my issue is having you caught up in the crossfire, and that's something I definitely don't want to see.

I wish I could say I found out he was a wonderful man with good intentions and that I was happy to see you happy, but that was never going to be the case was it. I could see his spots from a mile away and there is only enough room for one of us in this sport.

Now, I could simply bring you to Liam myself and have him repeat and show you everything that I have just acquired knowledge of, but you should know by now Harry, that I am a game player, I enjoy the thrill, I crave the chase.

So, this one I'm going to allow to play out a little, I want to see how it goes. I want to see him squirm and sweat. I want to witness Zayn watching me get so close to him and fear the absolute worst. No one wants anyone to find out their double life, the thrill of duplicity is what keeps people like him going.

They live for the high it gives them. I should know, I myself am addicted to its drug.

But you Harry, you're a little more fragile than that and it's going to take your pure little heart some time to be convinced and changed.

Zayn doesn't know the storm that has just hit him, and I really did lack any sense of mercy in my character, a shame really.

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