Instalment One

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Running through the deserted school halls after hours, I knew right then that I should have never come here. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins and my lungs slowly running out of oxygen the further I moved through the corridors. Darting around every corner, I felt like I was in a never-ending maze and I didn't know how to escape.

My heart dropped when the bellowing of his voice ran through the school's PA system, echoing off every wall in this building.

"Want to play a game Harold?" The way in which he said my name sent shivers through my veins.

The sudden roar of his voice was enough to send my body flying into the nearby lockers, my breath halting mid breath.

"You hide; and pray to god that I don't find you" he finishes before the scratching noise of the technology being ripped from the wall follows.

I dart my head to the left and back to the right down the long corridors. With nowhere left to go.

All the exits had been sealed closed with a chain and lock and I didn't even know where he was.

I continue to exhaust my body down to the right, being that I had just come from the left, I didn't want to continue back down that path.

My feet continue to stride across the tiled flooring bringing me to a staircase giving me the option, up or down.

The echoing of footsteps start to increase behind me mimicking that of my increased heartbeat as the nerves pulsating through my body.

In a quick decision, I lunge toward the steps that head toward the roof. Climbing the two flights, using the railing to give me an extra boost.

Plunging the side of my body into the exit door, I'm met with the cool night sky, a thin layer of fog making the ledge difficult to see.

Darting my eyes around for anywhere to go, to hide, to jump off. I didn't know at this point and quite frankly, I didn't care.

My attention immediately darts to the staircase I had just come up hearing the clumping of boots stopping at the base.

"Oh Harry!" His voice sings out, mocking me, taunting me.

I close the door as quietly as I can, and head for one of the skylight boxes throwing my back up against it and crouching down, curling myself into a pathetic ball on the frosty rooftop. 

The rising and falling of my chest is sending frost breaths out into the night air at a rapid rate.

I can't believe I spent my senior years hiding in the shadows, begging for this boy to notice me; and now I find myself praying that he doesn't find me.

My breath is completely robbed from each of my lungs when the door to the roof is slammed open. I stay frozen in my position, snapping my hand over my mouth in an extra attempt to stay hidden.

"Silly, silly boy. Come to a place where there is nowhere left to hide"

My eyes pinch shut, full well knowing it won't help, but it was a reflex my body had.

I open my eyes and throw my head back, letting the image of a full sky of stars engulf my vision, regretting every decision I've made up until this point.

Why did it have to be him that intrigued me?

Why did I agree to come here?

Why was I so stupid to think I was actually being invited to one of the hang outs with his group?

I don't know what it was about him that caught my attention from the very beginning. The initial glance I had on him, just made everything in my world shift and I found myself being pulled to him.

I starred from afar for so long; and it should have stayed that way. No one ever took notice of me; so I presumed that having a harmless crush on the bad boy was going to be okay.

Being so lost in my thoughts, I had neglected to keep track of footsteps as they made their way around the rooftop until it became too late.

"Missed you" he teases as my head is thrown in his direction. Looking up to his beaming blue eyes, that were glaring down at me below him.

"Why are you doing this Louis?" I cry out in one final plea.

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