Finding Ivy Part 19

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Chapter 19

     "Ethan?" I ask once more hoping that it isn't really him.

     "Sure, you can call me that," he says smirking at me.

     I notice his hand flicker, and Chris drops to the ground frozen.

     "What did you do to him!?" I scream with rage.

     "Whoa, calm down, babe. Nothing he won't wake up from in about an hour."

     I turn towards Clay wanting answers. "He paralyzes people. It's really convenient when you're torturing someone."

     I nod like it matters, but can't help the chill that runs down my spine imagining him with that knife.

     "Just let him go. Then, we will leave without any problems," Aaron speaks up for the first time.

     "Not going to happen. Just because my power doesn't work on elementals, doesn't mean that I can't do some damage."

     With that, he runs towards me. I just stay frozen not knowing what to do. He is about to reach out with the hand holding his knife, when everything turns dark. I reach out and touch what feels like a wall. I reach to my sides, and realize that I'm boxed in.

     My breathing starts becoming harsh as I think of being stuck. My throat begins constricting making any breaths I try to take in virtually impossible to reach my lungs. I need out. I need out now. I'm beginning to get lightheaded, and the sound of my heartbeat is the only thing I can hear.

     I can't do this. I feel like I'm being buried alive. There are two things that frighten me the most, losing my family, and being buried alive. I slowly start to slide down the wall behind me. I close my eyes not wanting to think about it. Leaning back, I try breathing but nothing is working.

     'Help!' I scream mentally hoping that somehow Chris would be able to hear me and help.

     I know it's useless. Nobody knows about my fear. No one knows that I'm losing consciousness. Slipping into the darkness, I giggle slightly. What a way to end it? I survive through my crazy mother's antics, but in this box is where it all ends for me.

     Giving up hope is one thing I said I would never do. Hope keeps us going. So, why am I giving up? Why am I not fighting to stay alive? To make sure my family is safe?

     I relax my back into the cold ground as I lay down. 'Don't think of where you are, Ivy,' I tell myself. A meadow, a meadow with trees everywhere. Beautiful vibrant green trees. It's just me in this meadow. No sounds disturb my peace. No wind causes my hair to obscure my vision. Nothing is there just me.

     I don't like it this quiet though. So, I imagine harder. I add little things here and there. A stream trickling to my left with small little waterfalls throughout it. Birds, birds singing in the trees. Small animals scurrying across the meadow's floor. A man exiting the trees with a smile on his face. A face filled with love for his daughter. One that was always there for me until that horrible day I turned four.

     Walking towards me, I can hear his footsteps crunching on the twigs that are randomly scattered amongst the grass. He gets close enough for me to touch. Reaching his hand out, he wipes my cheeks showing me the evidence that I had been crying without realizing it.

     "Don't cry, sweetheart. Daddy will always be here for you. Through all the hardships in life, I will be here. Don't give up hope. No matter how hard things get. Don't give up. There will be worse things you will have to deal with. Things that tear you apart inside. You can never give up though, baby."

     I open my mouth to talk back to him, when a bright light obscures my vision. Around me, things no longer feel stuffy and my breathing is under control.

     "Ivy? Ivy? Wake-up come on he's still fighting with us." I hear a voice that sounds like Aaron say.

     Opening my eyes, I realize that my prison is gone leaving me on the cold ground of the large brick building. I slowly make my way to my feet. Stumbling slightly, I feel like a doe from my dream world. My eyes take in what is happening around me. Aaron is standing at my side looking at me worriedly. Clay is throwing what look like boulders at Ethan, who happens to be very good at dodging.

     I'm done with Ethan. He's trying to hurt my family, and trying to hurt helpless people. I lift both arms inch by inch, knowing that for once I am in control of the fire. It is mine to control, it gifted me with its presence and now I take that gift into me fully.

     Flames start rising onto Ethan's body as my arms rise accordingly. His face turns to one of pain and fear. It seeps up his body, not stopping until I ask. It covers his neck reaching to the bottom of his chin.

     I deserve to see his face. This is something I would never forget. The pain is obvious as is the anger that coats his face. The anger quickly dissolves though and the pain and helplessness overcomes him.

      "You don't have to do this, Ivy. The first person you kill shouldn't be someone you know," Clay whispers to me and I know he is right. I can't kill Ethan no matter how much it would help me in the future. It would be easier to end him now, but when have I ever taken the easy route?

     I let him go, and turn my back before I see the damage that I had done. His body would be covered in burns, all but his face. I let him keep his pretty face.

     "Ivy!" Aaron screams from behind me. I turn, but someone is blocking my vision. They slide to the ground in front of me coughing. I look down, realizing that it is Chris. Chris, who is supposed to be paralyzed in the corner away from the fight. Chris, who had somehow found a way to get out of his stupor and take the knife that should be in my back.

     Shocked, I glance up and see Ethan smiling at me triumphantly. I don't hesitate this time. Blue flames cover his body causing his skin to boil until there is nothing left but dust.

     My body is shaking, but the fire I control. I look down at Chris and his eyes are on me. Smiling slightly he begins coughing up blood. He tries to speak so I lean down wanting to hear, but also wanting to find a way to stop the bleeding.

     "Love you," he whispers. I can see the truth in his eyes. He knows it would never happen. He has only known me for such a short period of time, but he loves me. His eyelids close while tears run down my cheeks.

     Even if the attraction is not there; I still love him, and I am going to do everything I can to try and keep him alive.

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