꒰ five ꒱ ⁞ exchange

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9:15 p.m., Sunday.

Hours passed after your visit to the bookstore. From the kitchen, you made your way to your room. You wore your favorite pajamas, holding a warm cup of milk on your hand. Once you reached your room, you placed the cup on top of the nightstand and walked to your bookshelf to get one of your favorite novels and reread it.

You sat on the bed; knees bent slightly. Just as you were about to open to the first page, the events from earlier came to your mind once again.

Won't you want to know more about me?

"Tsk," you clicked your tongue. "Of course, I do, idiot. I mean, who doesn't want to know their stalker's identity?"

The book that you were holding was now on top of the bed as you placed it beside you, then you crossed your arms. "Was my reply too rude?" you closed your eyes and shook your head "No. What I said was just right, and it's not like we're close anyway."

You grabbed the cup of milk from the nightstand and took a little sip. "How sure am I that I'm never responding to them again? What if I get too intrigued with the next letter they'll send me?" you said as you rose from the bed to face your cheval mirror. Sighing, you pointed at your reflection in the mirror telling yourself to no longer give attention to that stranger.

The cup of milk on your left hand grew cold, so you drank it in one gulp. You wiped off the milk stains on your lips and grunted at the fact that you consumed your time recalling the happenings from earlier instead of your initial plan to reread a book.

As you lay in bed, you turned off the lampshade and set your eyes on the glow-in-dark stickers on the ceiling. Eventually, you drifted off to sleep.

8:49 a.m., Tuesday.

It has been two days since your last interaction with the anonymous sender, and you've been itching to go to the bookstore just to know their reply.

Waiting 'til Sunday won't help you as someone who's burning with curiosity, so you thought of using Hina as your excuse even though you're aware that your guilt will only consume you.

You took a deep breath before saying "Mom, Dad, will you allow me to go visit Hina again today?"

"Is it about her relationship with Takemichi-kun again?" Your dad asked. You nodded and lied about how Hina needed you since she doesn't know whom to open up to aside from you.

bookstore girl [m. chifuyu]Where stories live. Discover now