Part 40

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I was finally having fun and nothing was going to ruin this for me...

-Narrator's POV-

Over the next few days, Alina avoided Pan at every corner and at every sight. She was still in the process of accepting everything, having to talk to Tink every night about and getting advice in return.

Pan on the other hand, was not so thrilled about his new problem.

He tried and tried to catch her in every situation or conversation that she was in with either Thomas, Isaac, or James.

One time, while Alina was in mid conversation with Henry, Pan appeared out of thin air, grabbed her by the arm, and had just opened his mouth when Henry called out his name.

"Pan! What are you doing here," Henry asked, startled by the sudden surprise.

His grip loosened and Alina bolted away without a second thought or even a look back.

"I was-," he turned to see Alina missing. "Dang it! I was trying to get Alina to talk to me! Nevermind... how are you doing, Henry?"

They continued this conversation as Alina ran and ran back to her tree and climbed as far up as she could go, until she was safe within the darkness of its branches.

Pan cursed himself as he searched for her when his talk with Henry ended. He had had her in his grasp and yet, he had lost her.

Felix was now starting to notice what was happening between the two of them and was starting to chase after Alina got answers.

She allowed him to get close and talk to her but when he asked, she ignored him and walked away.

She was now avoiding him as well as Pan.

As Felix tried to talk to Alina, he soon realized that it was pointless.

Felix stormed his way over to Pan with a look of fury on his face that Pan had never seen before.

"What the hell happened between you two," he growled, his voice deadly low.

-Peter's POV-

I quickly explained what happened between me and Alina, not knowing how to react to Felix like this. It was new and it was dangerous.

He sighed and rubbed him temple, he was acting strange already but this was concerning.

"You are an idiot, aren't you," he asked, his temper slowly calming down.

"What are you talking about," I asked, stunned by his sudden mood swing.

"Do I really need to spell it out for you? She loves you, Pan! And you messed it up!"

I paused. Did she really love me? A monster? A demon? No. She doesn't.

"You are wrong, Felix. She couldn't. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't fall in love with her in return..."

"Do you really believe that," he grumbled.

No. "No... but it's how it must be," I muttered.

"You are an idiot. If you really believe that, or if you want to know for yourself, go ask Tink. She's been taking care of Alina these last couple of days. If you want to find Alina, talk to Tink. She'll know more than I will."

With those final words, he trotted off.

My brain scanned his words. Tink?! That's where she has been staying?! Why? Does she really despise me that much?!

I stormed away, angry at my own insecurities for getting in the way of my thoughts.

I ran through the forest to Tink's , bursting through the door, startling a port Tinkerbell eating a piece of toast on her couch.

"What the hell Pan?!"

"Is it true," I asked, my voice a low whisper.

"Speak up!"

"Is it true," I screamed.

Her eyes widened.

"Does Alina love me," I asked, scared to hear the answer.


My thoughts raced.

"Where is she?"

"First, who told you?"

"Felix, why?"

Tinkerbell sprang up, dropping the toast.

"Where is that cold hearted bastard?!"

I blanched. "Is something wrong?"

"Where. Is. He," she asked, her tone cold and venomous.

"I think back at the camp. Why?"

"You don't know?"

She voice was soft but even that was concerning.

"Know what?"

"Felix is..."

-Alina's POV-

I was taking a walk in the forest, planning to take a short flight lesson to clear my mind when Felix stopped me in my tracks.

I tried to move around him but he blocked my path again.

"What do you want Felix?"

"Stop avoiding Pan," he demanded. "It's not fair."

"When have you ever cared about what I've done before," I questioned.

"Are you kidding me," Felix yelled, his temper getting the better of him. "I've been there for you since day one! And you can't even believe me! God! You should have given up on yourself years ago!!"

I paused. No. He doesn't deserve to speak to me like this.

"You think that my life before Neverland was easy?" My voice was deadly calm now. "I've been through hell and back by myself. Where were you? On Neverland with your king? I was busy trying to survive each day. Alone. With no fire. No people. Only me as a guide and as a help. You do not have the privilege to speak to me like that. Especially when you have no idea. NO IDEA!!" I was screaming at this point.


Tears were in my eyes but I refused to let them fall, not yet.

Felix said nothing, not even a trace of guilt on his face.

"I know you Alina. More than you think. You were abandoned when you were two. You lived with your uncle, who abused you, until you were eight when you killed him. You've been searching for our parents ever since with no luck. Don't tell me that I don't know you when I do."

I stopped.

"What did you say," I whispered, knowing he could here me.

"What do you mean?"

"You said 'our'. You said 'our parents'. Explain. What do you mean out parents."

He sighed. "This wasn't how I planned to tell you but I did anyways."


"I'm your brother, Alina."

That's it!! I'm done! I'm tired!! I'm sorry if this is going too fast but I'm trying to finish this up! Enjoy! See you in the next chapter guys! Ta taaaaaaa!! Bye!!!

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