Part 12

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-Alina's POV-

I had been walking through the forest, bending and dodging trees as I tried to find a clearing big enough to wait for Pan and the Lost boys.

A horn blared through the silent forest and I stilled. I looked around, hoping that there was some sort of clearing near me. Thankfully to my left, there was a big clearing with bushes that surrounded it, just in case the boys needed to hide before attacking.

I ran to the opening, jumping over the bushes before stopping in the middle. It was perfect and I sat down, my back straight and my arms on my knees, takin deep breaths for the finally show.

I heard footsteps echoing through the forest, getting louder towards me. I called my body as the footsteps began to speed up, circling all around me.
Pan had arrived, and he had brought friends with him.

With my hood pull far over my head, I knew that they could not see my face at all. The mask was black and left nothing to the imagination. I kept silent.
Since my opponents had come unannounced, I thought that it would be okay for me to see how many people were hear. I did not move or make any sound as my body traveled through the energy in the ground and counted sixteen people.

Sixteen people had come for one person.

A single person was crouching away from the rest of the group. My guess was that was Henry.

My brain instantly began to relay information about him that I had read about. He was eleven years old and was a guest to Neverland, probably why he wasn't supposed to be here. He had no preferred weapon choice and was very kind.

Okay. He was definitely not supposed to be here.

My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming towards me. I don't think that I reacted properly as my mind was still going on about facts that I could use. A figure was standing in front of me, but u refused to move. 

"Who are you," asked the familiar voice. I knew who this was. Pan had come out to greet the supposed threat. His voice matched his shadow perfectly but his felt more... real.

I did not respond, waiting to see what his reaction was. He only chuckled and called out, keeping his eyes on me as they pierced a hole in the back of my head, "It seems we've got ourselves a mute boys!"

The boys surrounding me roared and cheered but I had expected this after Pan had spoken. I knew better to react, so my body remained still.

Pan knelt down in front of me, giving me a better view. He was wearing dark green clothes with a leather belt attached to his torso.

Pan edged closer to the point where I could hear him breathing. I looked down at his fingers that were reaching for one of the orbs that were attached to my belt.

This not going to end well if this was how we started.
Right before he could touch them, my hand shot up from its position and grabbed his hand mid air roughly. He jumped but my hand did not let go.

I could barely see his lips moving, about to say something when I retracted my hand back to its current position and remained still once more.

I saw him smirk, the same smirk that his shadow had given me time and time again. Pan got to his feet, brushing off his pants before turning to his boys.

"It's seems that our friend here is shy. Let's welcome them boys, Neverland style!" The boys cheered but slowed down. Something was off. I tilted my head up to see an arrow flying straight for my temple slowly. With it going so slow, I caught with ease, right before it hit my temple. Everything was silent.

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