Part 39

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What did I do wrong?

-Alina's POV-

Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!

I cursed as I ran away from Pan, leaving him on the cliff.

My instinct wanted to go back and kiss him with every fiber in my being but my fears and insecurities got in the way of that.

I ran and ran, not caring where I was going but knowing that I didn't want to be alone.

I ran, bustling through the bushes as they scraped at my dress and arms, giving me scratches up and down my body.

I burst through the door of Tink's house not caring that she still wasn't back yet. I quickly changed my outfit into a hoodie and sweats before sitting down on the couch and curled up myself with a blanket.

Tink burst into the room, her hair a mess, with an exhausted look on her face.

When she saw me, she let out a small sigh before seeing what I was wearing.

She quickly ran over to me, crouching down on her knees in front of me.

She grazed a finger over my cheek and it was then that I realized that I was crying.

Tears fell silently down my face but I didn't feel sad.

Sure, I was disappointed, but I was only disappointed in myself.

"What's wrong," she asked, trying to soothe me with her words.

I explained to her what had happened and why I was the way I was. She listened carefully and gasped when I told her about what Pan did or rather what he was trying to do.

I had never tried to become a girlfriend or a partner to another person before and I knew that I wasn't going to start now.

But you want too...

I agreed with my thoughts, a headache forming from the war inside my mind.

Tink got me some water and allowed me to spend the night with her. I couldn't have been more grateful for her in that moment.

I layer in the couch, not really trying to sleep seeing as my thoughts were still buzzing around with excitement and worry.

I thought about what to do, I could rant all day to Tink but that would bother her more than anything. The only thing that came to mind was...

No. I refuse. I will avoid Pan because even though it's my job to turn him back, he is my friend and I'm not going to leave him alone.

I think I love him...

I shook the thought out of my head, mad that it invaded my plans.

No... just go to sleep. You can figure this out in the morning.

With those finals thoughts whispering through the chaos in my head, I fell into a deep sleep.

-The next day-

I awoke bright and early, the sun still fast asleep and covered by a blanket of clouds.

I yawned and got up, brushing my teeth and hair before doing my patrol.

As I walked by the cliff, I replayed the moments in my mind of what had happened yesterday. I was an idiot for leaving him but I wouldn't be good for him either.

I shook of the thought when a chuckle chilled my spine and forced me to stop.

"I know when something is bothering you," the voice lured, chuckling with every word.

"You should know better than to trouble me by not telling me immediately, Alina," the voice purred.

"If I wanted your help, Shadow, I would have asked for it," I grumbled. "And besides, I could face myself or anyone about what happened yesterday."

Except for Tink cause she was there...

"That bad, huh?" His voice was decapan and I wanted to slap him for it. This was not easy in the slightest.

"You don't even know the half of it," I groaned, mumbling and cursing myself of how stupid I am.

"Well, I have till morning," Shadow pushed, waiting patiently for my answer and the story behind it.

I explained the situation to him, not leaving out any details and my voice, surprisingly, stayed steady as I talk about the worst and best night of my life.

"You really have some issues going on, don't you," Shadow grumbled, scratching his head as if there was a bug bite he couldn't reach or find.

"Really," I screeched. "You don't think I know that?! I know I'm an idiot but there is no reason to rub it in more!!"

"Are you kidding me," Shadow said, clearly disgusted. "Peter is the idiot, not you. He should of known that you weren't open about relationships and that you've never been in one before."

"Wait," I asked, feeling my mind running through all the different scenarios of how he knew that. "How do you know that?"

"I know that you were abused by your uncle u til you killed him at eight years old and ran away. You've been trying to find you're parents ever since with no luck. You rarely make friends and when you do, you distance yourself just as quickly. I know you Alina, so please just trust me when I say that Peter should have known too."

My mind was off, like someone just destroyed it as each word coming out of his mouth echoed through the clear night sky.

"How," I whispered.

"I read minds, Alina. That's how."

I nodded blankly.

"So you know..."

"I don't think of you any differently than when I first saw you."

"And what did you think of me?"

"I thought that you were brave to finally stand up for yourself and that you are a badass who is willing to do anything for anyone that you care about."

I nodded. "You're right."

"I am always right," he joked, lightening the mood with his cheeky grin.

I laughed.

We continued on the night and I had a light and easy feeling on my chest.

Shadow always made it better.

I didn't want to think about Peter tonight so I invited him as Shadow and I joked about life and situations that we had ever been put in before.

I was finally having fun and nothing was going to ruin this for me...

That's all! Thank you again so much!! See you guys next chapter! My schedule will be a little bit busier so I apologize for any inconvenience! Love you all!! Ta taaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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