Part 3

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"Welcome... to Neverland."

I stared in disbelief as I searched the forest once more before whispering, "Neverland?!"

The shadow gave an unimpressed look, "Did I stutter?"

I held up my hands, shaking them furiously. "No, not at all! I just... I never thought I would be here."

"Why?" It was clear that the shadow was confused.
I sighed. "Because... Pan only takes boys, not girls to Neverland."

The shadow appeared to be smirking as he answered, "I'm sure he can make an exception for you."

I smirked and turned back to the forest, trying to see if their was an end to the massive array of trees.

"Any advice?"

"Yes actually. Number one, don't touch Dreamshade. It's a poison that Pan and his lost boys use on their arrows. In other words, it will kill you. Number two, try to avoid Pan at all cost. You would not like the consequences. And finally Number three, do not fall in love."

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Don't fall in love? Why?"

"Because all boys on this island have ill intentions. Just... be careful, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

The shadow turned to the forest before saying, "Don't reveal yourself immediately and don't kill anyone or your death will be immediate. Don't go near the mermaids unless if you be drowned and if you ever want to leave, just call me and I'll take you back."

"Good to know," I uttered, barely listening to him. "How long do I have before Pan is awake and looking for you?"

The shadow looked towards the sky, "Three hours. Try to stay near the edge of the forest and in a tree. Also," he stated, eyeing my pajamas, "I suggest you ditch those clothes and put them in your bag."

I smiled and took off my pjs. Underneath was a black tank-top that was loose enough to breath but no enough to be baggy. I was wearing camouflage sweats with black socks and hiking boots. The camouflage sweats were high waisted even though I was in shape and didn't need them.

I rolled them up into a ball before packing them away into the bottom of my bag.

"Could you help me hide," I asked, shouldering my pack.

The shadow nodded. We walked through the forest. I tried my best to secretly move the leaves out of my way without the shadow being suspicious but I gave up and instead just made my boots silent. The shadow led me to a cliff by the time the sun was rising. I looked around.

The highest tree was skinny and had one branch about ten feet in the air, that was the closest. The second tree had a thick trunk and had thick branches everywhere but the closest one to me was a good fifteen to twenty feet. The third tree was out of the question. It had no branches and was too skinny to even dream of climbing, it was as if Pan just wanted a pole at the edge of the forest.

I had around one hour to climb a tree and become relaxed. The shadow gestures to the second tree and I nodded in agreement.

"I'll see you tonight, I promise Alina," the shadow said, taking my hand and placing a gentle kiss before turning around.

I smiled. "I'll be waiting."

Dun dun dunnnnn! Can't wait to see you guys next chapter! Ta taaaaa!

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