Part 38

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We walked I silence for a long ways, not really caring where we went.

Thoughts swarmed me head, rushing away before I could even hear them.

What do I do? The bet! She looks really pretty.... No! Do not love! But she is perfect... I don't know what to do! If only I knew... If only.

I sighed and grabbed her hand, pushing us through the trees.

She didn't hesitate as she walked besides me, not asking questions about my intentions.

What should I do? No. I need to do this bet. But... she has been so kind. It's a trick! Is it? You're running out of time! It's the final day! Do it! Fine! This is going to be interesting.

When my mind finally made up its mind, I knew what I had to do. I refused to admit that I had fallen for her and so instead, I could treat her as a bet and not let my feelings get in the way.

Man, I hate this plan.

When I realized that we had reached our destination, I let go of Alina's hand and walked forward.

I quickly sat down on the grass, allowing my legs to hang over the edge of the cliff.

Alina joined me a second later, adjusting her dress so it would be pull up to her thighs.

It was dark but the moon and stars casted a dim glow so that I could see her clearly.

She autumn hair turned into a dark shade of brown in the moonlight but her face accepted the flow as if I she was the one glowing.

Her vines on her shoulders that she used for straps cling tightly to her skin.

The v cut was still low but as she layer herself down in the grass, it inches up to show less cleavage.

I sighed and layer back with her.

The moon was bigger than usual and I couldn't help but appreciate it.

Stars soared above, my brain trying to match the constellations.

I saw Hercules, Draco, and Scorpio, some of my favorites. All of the stars and planets were my favorite.

I turned my head towards Alina, admiring her beauty. Even without the makeup of the golden sun and her tinted lips and cheeks, she had stunned me with her beauty nonetheless.

She eyes sparkled as the galaxies danced above us, watching us, and waiting.

I let out a soft breath. I didn't want to do this. Her reaction could either be good or be bad.

Over the three weeks, I had gotten closer to her. Yes, I may have pulled pranks on her but every time we encountered each other afterwards, we would just sit and talk about everything and anything.

I had read her mind when she ran away from my hut and I regret doing so. I wished she would have told me but I am not sorry that I know.

Since I found out what bothers her, I told her more about myself in return.

She never complained as she talked with me, whether in a tree or while we were walking through the dark woods.

She told me that she takes pills and I became very heated. She told me that one helped with her emotions and that's what made her calm. She told me that another one was just painkillers and helped with anything.

When she was talking about the final one, she hesitated. Apparently, the last pills were something that she didn't like but she took anyway. She explained that the final pills, helped someone stay away from her.

I tried to get more information about it, but all she said, well, all she muttered was, "The killer..."

I didn't push her any further.

She was strange. Yes. She was quiet. Yes. She was everything I couldn't be. Yes.

In the span of three weeks, she became a mother to the lost boys. She fed and clothed boys who could more after an intense training session. She fed the rest of us and barely used up any resources in the process. It seems that after we ate, the more resources we had.

None of us questioned it.

She never once asked or pushed when something was wrong and eventually, all of us came to open up to her.

She was a mystery though. Everyone knew my name. Everyone knew what I could do.

No one knew her. No one knew of her capabilities. No one ven knew that she existed.

She was a literal definition of a ghost. For me, I was a fairytale that parents tell to their kids.

But how I dreamt to be hidden, to be a ghost. However, I couldn't.

Too many people know that classic fairytale of Peter Pan and even though she never asked, I knew that she knew it too.

I wanted so badly to hold her, not caring about what the others would think. I wished nothing more than to wake up and see her sleeping peacefully next to me.

I needed to hear her say my name one more time.


I wished for many things but with my mind, body, and soul, I wished for her. And for her to be mine.

But when Felix had placed the bet, it became something else. I felt desperate to prove myself to her and to protect her.

Over time, my feelings grew and I despised myself for it.

I thought over how this night could end, not that I wanted it too.

Would I speak out first and confess? Would over time Felix tell her that it was a bet? Would she reject my feelings? Why?

I sat in silence but turned to look at her. She was already staring at me, her grey eyes dazing into mine.

F*ck, she was beautiful.

I licked my lips in anticipation, still questioning whether I should go through with this or not.

I inches closer to her, noting that she stiffened at the closer contact but didn't move.

Her eyes were wide and her breathing was shaky.

I leaned in closer, wanting. Needing.

Her breath hitched as I leaned in to close the distance.

I could feel her breath on my lips and I could smell vanilla and strawberries.

God, she was perfect.

Right before my lips could even graze hers, Alina bolted upwards. I jumped to my feet, not knowing what was wrong.

Just as I opened my mouth, she spoke.

"S-sorry but it's getting l-late and we need to head to back t-to camp. G-goodnight Peter," she stuttered, figuring with her fingers and itching the back of her hand.

Before I could even propose the idea of my walking her back, she disappeared into the woods and I watched as darkness consumed her.

And then I was alone. Again.

I sat back into the grass pondering, questioning.

What did I do wrong?

That's for today! Man, I'm tired! I love you all and thank you for putting up with me! Have a wonderful day and I will see you guys, later!! Ta taaaaaa!!

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