Part 29

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That ship belongs to Captain Hook.

Panic coursed through me as I examined the ship.

The construction was beautiful with a dark wood base. I could see small movements that I could only assume were people of Captain Hook's crew.

Or maybe Captain Hook himself.

The ship wasn't moving so I assumed that the crew dropped the anchor.

I paused and studied the sight.

Why would Captain Hook park his boat so close to Neverland?

Unless... from what I've heard from Pan was a lie and Captain Hook was an ally.

Something was wrong with this, and I was going to figure it out.

I turned around and raced through the forest.

The cold air burned against my cheeks as the rain began to pour down.

The mud splashed onto my boots as I pounded through the trees and branches and thorns caught on my skin and clothes.

Tiny cuts burned as the rain pounded hard onto me.

I looked around for some shelter before finding a little cave to relax in until the rain stops.

I quickly looked around for anyone near me before completing on whether to dry myself with my powers or to self dry myself just in case.

A footstep sounded behind me and I turned around a second too late.

My back slammed against the wall as a sword was placed against my throat.

A laugh was crawling up my throat, but I had to remain "scared" to figure out what is going on.

A blonde woman with green eyes was glaring at me as she pressed the sword harder against my neck.

I looked around to see a woman with black hair and brown eyes was holding her hands and standing off in the corner while still glaring at me.

A golden boy was standing with a sword in his hand as he studied me. He had dirty blonde hair with sea-blue eyes and a firm-looking jaw.

A black-haired woman with green eyes stood next to the golden boy, clutching his arm tightly and he offered comfort as well.

I looked around for anyone else but the cave was empty except for a small fire in the distance.

I had just remembered that they haven't seen the real me yet, seeing as my cloak and hood covered any of my feminine features.

I mentally thanked myself for being cautious this time.

"Who are you," demanded the blonde woman.

I opened my mouth to reply when I remembered about my mask. I had taken it off because I was just doing patrol and didn't think that I would run into anyone who didn't belong on the island.

These people definitely didn't belong.

Then again, neither did I.

I shut my mouth closed which only seemed to infuriate the blonde woman more as she increased pressure on her hold.

"Who are you," she asked again.

For the second time, I did not reply.

The small black-haired woman let go of the golden boy's arm and made her way over to me.

I looked down at her and saw that her features were both a look of pain and determination.

"Do you know where Henry is," she asked. Her voice was sweet and slightly breaking.

Henry? Why did they want Henry?

Wait. Emma... and Regina? Are they here for Henry?

The pressure increased on my neck to the point where it was suffocating me when I refused to answer.

"Tell us now," demanded the woman.

"Emma, calm down," said the small black-haired woman.

The blonde is Emma. Is the black one Regina? Or is that the other girl in the corner?

"Snow is right. You need to relax," said the black-haired woman in the corner.

So Emma is the blonde woman. Snow is the short black-haired girl. Then that means... she is Regina.

Emma relaxed her hold on me, giving me enough space to breathe.

That was all it took for me.

I quickly disarmed Emma by twisting her arms behind her to where her back was against me and she held her own sword against her throat.

The golden boy quickly got out his sword but the tip was pointed directly at Emma instead of me.

I dragged Emma to the exit of the cave, making sure that the rain stopped and that no one was behind me.

The second I was out of the cave, I dropped Emma to the ground and plunged the sword through her loose t-shirt to make sure that she would think twice about following me.

I raced out of the cave and towards the camp, taking turns, left and right to distract anyone who might be following me.

The second I reached the camp, I was tackled to the ground in a hug.

I flipped myself over to get on top of my opponent only to discover that it was Henry who had hugged me.

I sighed and got off of him.

"What are you doing, Henry?"

I sighed. I was exhausted from my fight earlier but I don't think that Henry needed to know about my recent encounter with death.

"You were gone for so long, I was worried about you," he said, his eyes bright and filled with concern and also comfort.

"Don't worry about me, Henry. I'm okay. It just was a little bit too rainy for my liking and I was too far away. This was the fastest way I could come back. I'm sorry I worried you about me."

He nodded eagerly.

"Where were you?!"

An angry voice rang out throughout the camp and I jumped at the sound.

I turned around to see Pan stomping over to me.

"Where were you, Alina?!"

I stood up and matched his height.

His gaze was intimidating but I did not back down.

"We need to talk."

That's it! I'm sorry about the wait! It's summer and I'm trying to write as much as I possibly can! Hope that you can hold on for me! Please! See you next chapter! Ta taaaaaaaa!!

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