Part 10

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Ready for a war...

-Peter's POV-

I was sharping my knife on a rock as I looked throughout my camp. Some of the boys had begun small chatter with bows on their backs and knifes and swords on their waistbands.

Henry was walking around, searching for something. My brows knitted as I watched him. I called out.

"You looking for something?"

He jumped and spun around towards me. I smirked.

He was way to easy to scare.

"I was actually looking for you." This had sparked my attention.


"I was wondering if I could come with you?"

"Absolutely not."

"But why?" He was acting like a child who wanted candy.

"Because I need you to be safe here and I can't do that if you come with us. Promise me that you will stay put."

"Fine. I will." Henry sighed in recognition.

I smirked. "I'll be back before you know it."

He smiled.

I called out to the rest of my boys, "You ready boys?"

Cheers and roars came back and I smirked.

The fun was about to begin.

I grabbed my horn, a little pink shell, off of a table before blowing into it, creating a steady note.

I looked into the forest. It was completely silent.

"Let's go boys! It's time to play."

The boys cheered and followed me into the forest. As the boys marched on behind me, Felix, a blonde haired boy came up to me and walked beside me.

I sighed. "What is it Felix?" He didn't turn his head but continued walking.

"Did your shadow say anything about the threat?"

I shook my head. Only Felix knew about my shadow and my plan but right now my shadow was going rogue. "He just said that they would be in the forest tonight and that there would only be one."

In the corner of my eye I could see Felix gawking.

"Why are we out here for one person?!" He quieted quickly as a possible thought entered his brain. "Unless... are they a threat to your plan," he asked, his voice in a hushed whisper.

I continued to walk as I thought about this.

Was this strange person a threat to my plan?

I shook out that thought. I don't even know who they are.

"We are here," I stated, eyeing Felix, "there is a unannounced person who came onto my island without my permission. I will not keep a person on this island who refuses to show themselves to the owner."

Felix said nothing but nodded. We walked in silence for a little bit longer, heading deeper into the forest.

Birds were flying away but that was not that caused my feet to still. Felix quickly slowed down followed by the lost boys as I paused.

Nothing sounded out of the blue but there was a strong feeling to the right of my body. I turned around. Not one of the boys had made a move and were waiting for further instructions on how to precede to wherever they were supposed to go. I nodded my head to the right. Flexi nodded and waved his hand for the boys to follow.

They went quickly with hesitation and I calmly walked over to the feeling.

There was a clearing in the woods where a person in blacks clothes was sitting. A hood was placed over their head, covering their eyes from view and a mask was on the lower half of their face. They were sitting in a criss-cross position with their hands, black gloves covering the skin, on their knees.

They didn't move or make a sound as I watched them from a bush. I looked around to see all of my boys with their bows out and an arrow ready for my command. I shook my head and they lowered their weapons, just barely enough to if they fired, it would not hit the forgers in-front of us. I got up from my crouching position, stretching out my legs as I walked away from my hiding place up to the figure that was sitting before me.

They did not move or even acknowledge my existence but I think I could feel them tuning in to whatever I was going to say and my ever movements.

"Who are you," I asked, my voice echoing the deserted forest. The figure didn't not move and they did not answer my question either. I scowled. This person was already brave enough to come in here but if they refused to answer, then they just signed their death warrant.

I knelt ground to the ground, trying to see their face but the fabric was covering too much. I scanned their body, my eyes catching on green orbs that hung around their belt. I glanced back up at the still figure before reaching towards one of the orbs, curious.

I was about to touch them, my fingers mere inches away, but my hand was stopped by a black gloved hand that grabbed my fist mid air. I looked up to see that it was indeed the same person that was only a few seconds ago, unresponsive and now, they were holding my fist to keep me away from the orbs.

I opened my mouth, about to say something but the figure retracted their hand without a fight and returned back to their first position.

I smirked before pushing myself up, keeping my eyes on the figure. "It's seems we've got ourselves a mute boys!"

The lost boys roared and cheered but the figure refused to move or flinch at the sudden screams. This was indeed beginning to intrigue me. The figure did not respond which only inflamed both my fury but also my curiosity. "It's seems that our friend here is shy. Let's welcome them boys, Neverland style!"

The boys cheered and roared in delight.


Everyone fell silent. I looked around, trying to find where it came from. I looked in the bush I had come out to see Henry, in his red place t-shirt ducking in the bush with a bow in his hand. He did not have an arrow though. My heart stopped.

Oh no...

I turned back towards the figure. They were holding onto an arrow at their temple.

They caught it. They had actually caught it.

This was the only time when the figure moved as they turned the arrow around so it was pointing towards the bush where Henry was and flung the arrow straight for him. I watched in horror but then was relieved as I saw Henry unharmed but with the arrow at his feet.

How had they known where Henry was?

I spun back towards the figure but they were already standing and facing me, a couple of inches away from my face. I jumped and backed away. They did not move or utter a sound but stood as if a stone statue. I did not take my eyes off of the figure as u called out to my boys.

"Let's give our guest a round of applause. For tonight, they will be no more." The boys cheered and shot their arrows at the figure. All I saw was the figure crouching and then standing back up completely calm. Not a single arrow had hit them but when I looked at the ground, every single one of the arrows was at their feet. I watched in bewilderment as Devin, Marcus, and Nick approached the figure. I saw beautiful amber hair as the figure turned away from me, letting their cloak fall to the ground.

Their hair was in a high ponytail and still went all the way down to their torso. It fluttered with every movement. I looked around to see that all of my boys were spellbound by this figure, and that was not good.

"Come on boys," I yelled, causing them to snap out of their trance and cheer for the three boys who were still watching the figure. They shook out of their trance and headed straight for the figure, going in for a hand-to-hand combat fight.

This is going to be good...

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