Chapter 52

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Three days passed with no magic whatsoever.

Well, there was some magic. Just nothing useful.

"It's like I'm back in Gemini kindergarten," huffed Kai miserably, when they failed to light a candle from one foot away. "What the hell is the point of being a Heretic if I can't do magic unless I'm like, really focused."

Amelia, who was laying on the floor of the hotel room after they'd just killed another two people, huffed and stretched her arms. "I can't focus, even if I want to. I'm so fucking hungry and now that we're free, I should be able to have sex with you, but we can't feel it, so there's no point. Not to mention Katherine still hasn't let us know what's up."

"I guess our only task is to scheme," said Kai. "Think we'll find some unsuspecting supernatural somewhere around here to give us enough magic for a Locator Spell? The Salvatores aren't in Mystic Falls. We don't know where to find them unless we really, really try."

"We definitely need to make it seem like we're giving Elena back to them," said Amelia. "Let's see... what's our way of staying out of Hell? Cade will find us, and when he does, he won't be happy. We need to give him something."

Kai held up his hand to indicate that he had an idea. "Eleanor. We give him Elena, he gets some leverage to get something more out of Damon and Stefan, which he should want, since they were working for him, according to Kitty Kat."

Amelia nodded. "She also wanted us to find a place to trap Elena. So, she expects to get Elena, once Cade's dead, meaning... he's probably already written in his will that Katherine gets to be in charge of Hell. Just one question... is it possible to actually destroy Hell? I mean, Katherine wants us to convince them that bringing down Cade will bring down Hell, but that's obviously not true."

"There has to be a way," said Kai. "Every spell has a loophole, and Hell was created by Cade's psychic magic, at least, that's what I understood when he was bragging while kicking me repeatedly in the face. We need to be extra careful not to die before Katherine gets the keys to Hell. If we don't accomplish our task, you best believe she'll destroy Hell herself and we'll be gone forever."

"Try not to die," said Amelia with a dry laugh. "Funny. Ugh— fucking finally!" She held up her phone, showing that Katherine was calling. "Hey, you were supposed to contact us days ago."

"Sorry," replied Katherine, though she didn't sound sorry at all. "Had to get a third little minion to help me out once you two finish your bit. Turns out the thing getting us out is a bell that opens up portals to Hell. Also, it's 2018. Do you have a plan yet?"

Kai took the phone from Amelia. "We get them to go along with killing Cade in exchange for us giving Elena back to them. We get them to reveal whatever weapon they intend to use, since they must have one, and then we take the weapon and Elena. Give Elena to Cade to free ourselves, then he can be bargaining with Stefan and Damon on his own time. They kill Cade, you swoop in and take Elena wherever you want, and we get to be free. Sound good?"

"Better than I expected, Heretics. One request. Spell the boiler room at the high school for me, when you have a chance. I want to leave her there."

"Done. One problem. Our magic is pretty limited, and we need something to siphon from to find Damon and Stefan."

"Ugh, fine. I'll send some vampires your way. Anything else?"

"Have you been able to taste anything other than blood?"

"No. We're still halfway in Hell. Blood will have to suffice. You're a vampire, dimwit, figure it out."

She hung up, and Kai faked an offended look as Amelia took her phone back to text Katherine their location.

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