Chapter 10

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Amelia would have teased her if they were alone.

But they weren't. "So, what are we doing?" asked Caroline, trying to be casual as she joined the group, who was drinking again.

"We are waiting for Katherine to bite the bullet," said Jeremy.

Matt looked over at Bonnie. "So, this anchor thing... does that mean you'll be able to, like, feel Katherine's death, or whatever?"

Bonnie nodded. "I think so... I mean, she's human, but she's also a doppelgänger... and a Traveler, apparently."

Matt straightened up a bit. "So, who else do you see over there? Anybody I know?" He and Amelia shared a look. The brunette knew instantly who he was thinking about.

"I see lots of people," admitted Bonnie. "My Grams... the other witches... Vicki. I just don't talk about it, you know, because it's just..." she looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

"What's happening?" asked Matt.

"She's here," Bonnie told them. "Vicki says she loves you both." She looked back again, and this time, she laughed.

"What did she say?" asked Amelia, looking around the room. "What are we missing?"


They looked to the door, seeing Tyler had arrived. Caroline instantly went red. "Tyler?"

He nodded, and came forward. "Rebekah says to tell you that I'm her parting gift." He looked down at his ex. "Hey, Care."

"Hi," she whispered as Matt got up and gave Tyler a hug.

Amelia and Caroline shared a look before the siphoner went to greet Tyler. From the other room, Stefan and Damon came in, looking at the empty liquor bottles on the table. "Have we really gone through four bottles of bourbon today?" the younger Salvatore asked, bewildered.

"Alaric!" said Jeremy suddenly, looking behind the couch.

"Ric's here?" asked Damon in surprise.

"Where the hell have you been?" asked Jeremy. "I thought you bailed on us to go find peace, or something."

A pause, and Damon rolled his eyes. "He's talking about me, isn't he?"

Jeremy grinned. "He says you're a dick."

The others began to laugh, and Damon held up a glass after pouring himself some more bourbon. "Cheers, buddy."

Bonnie suddenly went rigid, looking to where Tyler was standing. "Katherine..."

Judging by the fact no one else could see her, they assumed she'd passed away. "Ding dong," said Damon. "Does that mean the witch is dead?"

Bonnie didn't answer. "I guess not," she said, looking at another part of the room before glancing at Amelia. "Hey, Amy, we should go get more bourbon before we finish the new bottle."

"Sure, yeah," said Amelia, not knowing what this was about. The two went down into the cellar, and Bonnie stopped her before they got to the room where the alcohol was stored.

"I figured you didn't want to do this in front of everyone," she said, patting her shoulder and gesturing to an empty space, as if someone was standing there. "Kol's here, and I think he wants to talk to you."

Amelia tensed. "Oh..." she suddenly felt embarrassed. Had Kol heard her earlier? Did he know about the fact she slept with Dr. Maxfield? Had he heard her speaking to Jeremy about him the other day?"

"Lia," said Bonnie, speaking for Kol. "It's alright to want to move on, you know?"

Amelia felt herself starting to tear up. "I'm sorry," she said, voice cracking. "I... I should have..."

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