Chapter 46

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They got back just after Halloween.

"Bummer that we missed all the costumes," Kai said mournfully. "I would have loved to see you in one of those tight bunny rabbit get-ups."

Amelia scoffed. "Excuse you, I would be naked. With a body like this, I'll be going dressed as a werewolf after the full moon."

"Ah, ah, ah— you forget that I don't want anyone seeing you like that. That's for my eyes only."

"Aren't you sweet. What would your costume have been?"

"Oh, I'd go as myself, you know, scary vampire who's constantly horny for his hot girlfriend. Simple enough."

"And you'd tell people that that's your costume?"

"Uh, yeah, that's the whole point, isn't it?"

"You know, I think spending eternity at your side is going to be really fun, but also, full of insanely inappropriate jokes as the decades go on and dirtier phrases are invented."

"Oh, you know it, baby." He winked, putting his arm around her seat as he made to back into the driveway, pulling up to the Salvatore House at long last.

It didn't look any different, honestly, even with the Heretics and Lily staying there. Inside, they found Lily sitting beside Oscar, who looked very confused.

"Hi, Oscar," said Kai, holding up a peace sign. He sniffed, and rubbed his hands together. "Yum, who made waffles?"

"Beau did," said Lily, smoothing her hand over Oscar's forehead as she gave him a glass with barely any blood in it. "We just got Oscar back last night, and he can't seem to remember who he is. Beau had been staying here with him, to see if his memory returned. The one thing he requested was waffles."

"I'm willing to bet that Damon and Bonnie messed with his mind," said Amelia coldly. She crossed her arms. "So, I admit, I'm a bit surprised that we were told to come here instead of wherever Julian is. Didn't you want us to get him for you?"

Lily nodded. "Yes, indeed. But not alone. I understand you've both been laying low, training, and I'd rather not have either of you hurt in the process. You're welcome to be a part of this family now. And family sticks together. You'll be welcome to choose a room once we run our errand."

The two youngest Heretics were surprised they were being offered a spot in the Heretic Brady Bunch, and both offered Lily a slight smile. "That's nice of you," mentioned Amelia. "Uh, who's gonna stay with Oscar while we're gone?"

"Me," piped up Nora behind them, trotting up and pulling Amelia into a hug. "Mary Lou is staying with me— she keeps hitting cats and utility poles when she drives, so we thought it best to try and jog Oscar's memory instead of maneuvering an automobile into the middle of nowhere..." she looked down at the blank-faced Heretic sadly, and after shaking Kai's hand, went to sit with him. "Oscar? Darling, it's Nora. Do you... do you remember me?"

"I don't like this," said Mary Louise, entering the room and seeing that Oscar hadn't even reacted to Nora's words. "Oscar's meant to be laughing and making jokes." She went to look him in the eyes. "Guess what, Oscar? Julian's coming back. Life's about to get fun again."

"So fun!" chirped Nora. She sighed when he didn't say anything. "Right. Well, he's clearly unwell. Mary Lou and I will keep an eye on him while you lot go and fetch Julian."

"Uno question," said Kai, holding up his hand. "There's no initiation to get into this family? We just... dorm here, no interviews, no 'you have to feed on fifty people before you're allowed in?'"

Mary Louise snorted. "No, silly," said Nora, shaking her head as her girlfriend came to take her hand. "Amelia is my niece, and you're her boyfriend. You gain automatic entry. You're both Heretics, and you hatched a brilliant plan to escape and train so that you could be just as strong as the rest of us. You're more than worthy."

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