Chapter 21

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"We're getting out of here today."

Amelia felt like a whole new person. The truth about her origins was liberating, and when she found Damon making pancakes in the morning, she joined him, fixing a plate for Kai, who'd slept on the sofa.

"Here you go," she told him, bringing him some orange juice, too. "Eat up, it's the big day."

Kai smirked. "Mmm, she cooks, she cleans, she's feisty, she can do magic— how is it that out of an entire planet full of people, I got to meet the girl who can do it all?"

Amelia blushed. "What, we're going back to you flirting hopelessly?"

"Is it hopeless if I know you like me?"

"I do not like you. I appreciate you, there's a difference. Isn't it weird?"

"Why would it be? I haven't seen you in eighteen years. You were a little kid and you were my friend, that's all. I didn't think about you that way when you were a literal baby. Now, you turned into a super hot and badass woman who knows how to drink and party and doesn't take shit from people. That's very different. You're an adult now, and basically a brand new person who I actually happen to know from a long time ago. Any person attracted to women would be flirting with you on contact."

"I'm flattered, really," she said, grinning a bit. "But it's not gonna work, honey."

Kai raised a brow. "It won't? Really? You expect me to believe you won't get even a little bit excited if I mention how bad I want to push you down onto every available surface and kiss you until you can't breathe?"

Amelia's stomach did a flip. "We're not doing this," she said in a bit of warning tone. "You heard Bonnie. Three times, three fucking times, I've fucked a guy, and he dies like point two seconds later. Not that you're not totally good looking, but now that I know we share a bond, I'm not going to risk murdering you, too. Just eat your breakfast, and we'll get going."

"So that means I have a chance," said Kai, taking a bite of his pancake. "If that's how I die, then you best believe I'm gonna enjoy it."

Amelia sat beside him with her own plate, not wanting him to eat alone. He noticed this. "What, is Bonnie still mad at you?"

"She probably is, but I just didn't want you to be isolated again."

He became serious. "Really?"

"Well, yeah. I will never be able to fully understand what your family put you through, but there have been moments where I've been isolated... locked in closets with no food... shut up in a room for a day-long time out. I don't think anyone deserves that. You were a kid. And after eighteen years stuck here, I think you should get to have as much company as possible to get you ready for the real world."

It seemed like he wanted to smile, and it appeared he felt happy, but she knew emotions were difficult for him, so when his mouth awkwardly twisted upward on only one side, she figured that was his way of showing he was feeling as close to grateful as he could. "You know," he mentioned, "you're getting me horny and it's not even noon yet."

Amelia guessed his coping mechanism for kindness had to be flirting. Showing kindness was difficult for him, and he'd already been calm and soft enough the night before when he'd told her the truth about her life, which was probably why he'd felt a compulsion to talk about how he killed his siblings immediately afterward.

"How about we wait until we get back in the real world, hmm?" she asked. "If anything is gonna happen between us, I don't want to rely on 1994 condoms."

Kai laughed, amused at her comment. "What, worried I'll knock you up?"

"Um, obviously, don't you know any Biology?"

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