Chapter 33

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"I fucking hate funerals."

They'd laid low for a few days, scheming and preparing for the demise of the Gemini Coven.

After several Locator Spells, they determined that the 1903 Ascendant was in Portland. Kai seemed to know where they could find it, and marked it on a map, making a note of it for the day they eventually went to Washington.

The days before they took their trip to Portland were dedicated to researching about different places to live, using a laptop Amelia stole from the man who rented the cabin to him, after she'd taken Kai to kill him (which he'd done with no hesitation). They didn't want to return to Mystic Falls once they got the Ascendant, they would perform the spell literally anywhere else so that no one else would know what they were up to.

"This is a really fucking good plan," said Kai one evening, leaning over her shoulder as he peered over the notes she'd taken on everything he said. He kissed her cheek hard, his newly grown beard brushing against her cheek. He hadn't felt motivated to shave, and Amelia didn't mind.

"Should I shave it?" Kai had asked, the first day the stubble was really noticeable.

Amelia had shrugged. "Nah, I think it's fine. I want to see what you look like with a beard, I bet it's hot."

His brows had gone up. "You enjoy the dangerous life, then?"

She cocked her head. "What are you talking about?"

"You're willing to ride my face when I'm all prickly?"

Her face went red. "I hadn't thought of that, to be honest. I've never... with a man who had a beard."

"Then this is your lucky day." He laid back, and beckoned her forward. "Take a seat."

Amelia smiled, taking his hand and squeezing it. "It was your idea. The praise should go to you."

"Aw, come on, we both know I'm not the one with the praise kink here."

She bit her lip, putting her hand back to grip his thigh. "If I called you a good boy, I think you'd get horny."

"Nice fucking try," he snorted. "After forty years of not receiving any praise, I'm not a sucker for it. Plus, we both know my daddy issues overwhelm my mommy issues. Sorry, sweetheart, you aren't top material."

It was fine to her. She preferred it that way, him doing the work. She'd stood, and had just attached her lips to his when her phone started to ring. Groaning, she picked it up, and made a face when she saw the screen.

"Oh, this better be good," said Amelia, holding the device up to show Caroline was calling her. "She hasn't spoken a word to me this entire time we've been back... Hello?"

"Amy," sniffled Caroline on the other line. "I-I know I'm the last person you want to hear from, but I just wanted to call to let you know that my mom..." her voice cracked. "She died. And I know you helped her, and I know that she meant something to you, and I just want to tell you the funeral is tomorrow at noon. You don't have to come, I just want you to know."

Amelia wasn't sure what to say. It was as if she was at a loss for words. "Oh," was all that came out of her mouth. "Oh, uh... I'll see if I can make it. I'm not in Mystic Falls."

She heard Caroline choking out a sob. "It... it would mean a lot to me if you were there. I know you don't want to see me, I know that I've been such a judgy bitch in the past that especially now, you want nothing to do with me. But you're my friend, Amy, and my mom thought of you as a daughter. That has to count for something... right?"

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