Chapter 4

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The weekend couldn't come soon enough.

As soon as Caroline issued a formal invite, Amelia said 'yes,' and got to packing her bag.

There was even more of a reason for her to agree to going when they found out, on Thursday night, that Stefan had been recovered. The unfortunate reality was that he had amnesia, and didn't recognize Damon or Elena. The two girls had spent the night looking over medical textbooks to try and figure out how to help him. But granted that he was a supernatural, there wasn't any guarantee it would work.

"Please tell me I wasn't out of my mind leaving Damon in charge of Vampire Amnesia 101," groaned Elena when she called them the following morning.

"To be honest," said Amelia, "I trust he can make some progress."

"Just hold on," said Caroline, leaning over to speak into Amelia's phone. "What did he say, exactly?"

"One text— 'So far, so good.' Which, in Damon speak..."

Caroline pursed her lips. "Means that they probably devoured a troop of Girl Scouts by now."

"I have faith that his brother will help stir something," Amelia reasoned. "Without needing to resort to violence."

"I'm just worried, and I have a right to be," the blonde said. "It's not uncommon for patients with retrograde amnesia or other traumatic brain injuries to turn volatile."

Amelia beamed as Elena said, "Okay, Dr. Forbes. Since when do you know so much about amnesia?"

Caroline blushed. "It's possible I studied up on my chem, biochem, applied microbio, molecular bio, and Grey's Anatomy—the real one and the television show with Amelia."

"You did all that for Stefan?"

"Of course I did," said Caroline. "Besides, Amelia needs to be in tip top shape to impress Dr. Maxfield. It couldn't hurt if I also tried to study up enough to get into his class. If she's going to be busy distracting him, I can take that time to find clues regarding why he covered up our roommate's murder by vampire."

"Hey, I will ask him," said Amelia. "I'll see what he tells me today. Oh! And you forgot to mention to Elena that you got a study buddy as motivation to get into the class."

"No way," said Elena, giggling on the other end. "Jesse? Dr. Maxfield's incredibly hot, funny, and miraculously single lab assistant?"

Caroline nodded, even if the brunette vampire couldn't see her. "I'm dragging him to our hometown graveyard bell-ringing ceremony."

"As in... creepy first date?"

"As in a study date. While I'm there, I might as well ring a bell for Tyler and me considering our relationship is on its death bed."

"I'll be third wheeling on the ride to Mystic Falls," announced Amelia. "Wish me luck."

"Oh, shut up," said Caroline, nudging her. "You act like I'll have car sex with him while you're there."

"Hey, it could happen, you never know. Your vampire horniness might overtake you." She looked up as they neared Dr. Maxfield's classroom. "I have to go, Elena, but we'll talk to you soon."

"One more thing!" Caroline took Amelia's phone. "Will you be at the bell-ringing ceremony? Amelia's already bailing, but you could bring Stefan. I mean, it is ironically called 'Remembrance Day.'"

Elena sighed. "I hope so, I really do. It just depends on how Stefan's handling the whole download of his dark and stormy past."

Amelia snorted. "Good luck with that. Talk to you both later." She took her phone back from Caroline and hung up before walking into the classroom, seeing only Dr. Maxfield was there.

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