Chapter 9

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"This is just plain wrong."

Amelia could hear him, but she couldn't see him. Inexperienced hands drifted over her body, removing the tubes. Something wet was pressed to her mouth, and she allowed it to dribble in, the familiar iron taste letting her know it was blood.

Damon picked her up, holding her to his chest. "Friendly tip for next time," he said, cradling her as he carried her out of the laboratory. "If a guy is into stuff like this, don't screw him. Did he think this was kinky, or something?"

"Shut up," she said weakly, still not having recovered. "Where... where are we going? How long...?"

"I'm taking you to Mystic Falls for the weekend. Yeah, newsflash, we've been stuck there for days. He took Elena, and I don't know where she is, but I need to get Stefan, so I'll be doing you a favor and dropping you off with your brother so he can babysit you and keep you from making more bad decisions."

As if she didn't feel bad enough already. She was quiet on the drive there, trying to sleep off the discomfort in the back seat. Matt and Jeremy had to team up to carry her into the house, because she still felt like she couldn't walk.

"I'm sorry," she breathed, looking up as Matt brought her a wet rag for the back of her neck. "Your day off, and here I am, putting you to work."

"I was going to work anyway," he said, lifting her up. "Do you feel a bit better?"

"Slightly... but still really dizzy."

"Judging from what Damon told me, you had a lot of blood and spinal fluid taken out of you, so even with vampire blood, you have a lot to replenish."

Amelia closed her eyes. "What work were you gonna do today?"

Matt grinned. "Katherine asked me to be her personal trainer."


"Tessa didn't help her with any spell. Since the cure's been out of her system, she's been getting old pretty fast, and she hired me to help her get in shape. Training starts today. She said she's been running all week but I don't know if I believe her. Want to help?"

As soon as Amelia felt better, they went into the forest to meet Katherine, who had on a baseball cap and some workout clothes.

"I don't think I've ever seen her wearing something so normal," said Amelia under her breath as they got closer.

"What was that?" said Katherine, having heard something, but not clearly.

"I said," Amelia replied loudly, "that the sooner we get this over with, the sooner you'll be out of those ratty clothes and back in those badass bitch outfits. I may not like you, but I have to admit, you know how to dress."

Katherine seemed oddly thankful. Something had put her in a good mood. "Can't you just do magic?" she said, gesturing to Amelia. "You're a witch. Stop the aging."

"One, I am not experienced enough to handle a spell of that magnitude. Two, if Tessa couldn't help you, there may not be a spell. Three, to see if there is one, I'd need to slap on the Gilbert ring, die, go to the Other Side, and consult Kol Mikaelson. The issue with three is that I've never died, don't want to, wouldn't do it for you, and wouldn't remember anything if I did anyway. I've managed to stay alive since I arrived here, and I'd like to keep that streak going."

Katherine grumbled, and Matt held up a timer. "Time to start," he beckoned. "You said you've been running, so let's test your arm strength. Do you know how to do a handstand?"

The ex-vampire glared at him. "Do I know how to— are you stupid? Of course I do."

"Hold her, Amy," instructed Matt as Katherine moved to do as she was told. Amelia caught the woman's leg before she flopped over, and from the way her arms were shaking, it was clear that Katherine couldn't do this so well anymore.

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