Chapter 44

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The name 'Kol Mikaelson' definitely rang a bell.

"How do you know Kol?" demanded Amelia as she helped Kai up. "He's been dead for years already."

"Not completely true. Why don't you come in? There's a place to sit in here."

The two Heretics followed the girl in. The tomb looked almost exactly the same, but cleaner, and with more grimoires.

"I'm Davina Claire," she told them. "Kol's girlfriend. You must be—?"

Kai saw that she was looking at him. "Meli's boyfriend."

"I see," said Davina, seemingly pleased to hear this. "Why are you here?"

"We need a dark object for a spell."

"How do you know about the dark objects?"

"Kol told me about them when we were dating."

"I see." Davina straightened up a bit. "Well, unfortunately, the dark objects aren't here anymore. My friend Cami has them. So unless you know which one you specifically want..."

"Uno question," said Kai loudly, holding his hand up. "How in the hell did you talk to Kol Mikaelson?"

Davina raised a brow. "Did you know him?"

"No. But I want to know."

"He's my boyfriend," said Davina, blushing a bit as she went to look at a box that was off to the side. "When the Other Side fell apart, his mother brought him and his brother Finn back to life, in the bodies of other witches. It caused quite a bit of trouble. Kol started to side with Klaus for something related to his daughter, and Finn cursed him. He died again, a witch, inside this tomb. I've been searching for a way to bring him back to life for months. I've even joined the Strix Coven to try and get a spell for it. I was able to go into the Ancestral plane to talk to Kol about it, but he insisted for me not to use a Strix spell. I was able to keep this, though..." she pulled a withered hand holding a candle from the box. "The Hand of Glory. It can summon the dead, and I think I can use this for us to speak to Kol right now."

Amelia was still fixated on the fact that Kol had come back from the Other Side.

She found herself standing in front of Bonnie. "Amelia," said the Bennett witch in shock. "What— how are you?"

"Markos killed me," she said, seeing she was in the Mystic Falls Cemetery. "I... I didn't expect that. Sheriff Forbes is safe. The plan is a-go. Except... now you have four people to bring back."

"Five," said Bonnie awkwardly. "Not long ago, Tyler passed through."

"Fuck. I'm sorry... I don't want to hurt you, but I have to..." she put her hand on Bonnie's, passing through her.

She was in the same place, but there was a blue hue to the entire place as it rumbled beneath her feet, the air cold. When she looked around, she saw Stefan, Tyler, and to her surprise, Lexi, all gathered and waiting a bit aways from Luke, who was electing not to socialize with them.

She turned back, not seeing Bonnie. But three familiar figures caught her eye. Off to the side, she saw a woman, holding hands with two men.

"Kol?" she said. "Finn? Esther?"

Just like that, they were gone. Tyler came toward her, pulling her away. "I think Liv is gonna start the spell soon..."

Amelia quickly shook the thought out of her head. "Why would we need to talk to him?" Then, realizing it sounded rude, she said, "Sorry, I just didn't expect to see him today."

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