Discovering New Things

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As soon as we enter the lab, our names are called on the speakers. We are hurried into the training room, which is very odd.
"I apologise for the hurry, but I have just received some very important news. The countries have banded against us. We are being seen as a global threat. While you were all away, Master went to a meeting with the leaders, and our plan was spilled. Although this was all just as planned, we must not risk them finding us now. We aren't ready yet. You all have to stay here for about three more years, just enough for more training and complete control of all the powers you all possess."
"Three more years," I ask very loudly.
"Yes, Ryuunosuke. You especially need more training. The dragon of elements is no dragon of elements if he only wields flame."
"This is BULLSHIT," I yell as I punch the nearest object, which happens to be a metal cabinet. The cabinet dents and shatters moments later. I feel ice in my heart as I realise I don't care. I walk out without a word and head for my room. I slam the door shut, feeling angered at the fact that I will be missing three years of Kou's life. I will be missing Kaito for three more years. Katsumi tries consoling me by licking me, but she snorts and lies down on my bed, under blankets.
I strip and go into the bathroom, and as I touch the knobs to draw myself a bath, they form icicles. Excitement builds within me as I realise that I am two elements away from going to Kaito's side once again. I try again and draw myself a hot bath. Steam fills the air as usual and I hear a light sizzle as I get into the water. I lie back in the tub and close my eyes. I remember the face of Kou, sweet Kou. I feel regret in my heart, and then anger.
What the hell was Father thinking? He shouldn't have said anything!
I try to wave my hands in the water, but my hands are unable to move. I open my eyes and look down to see that I have become a huge ice cube.
"Fuck," I whisper under my breath. I try my best to stand but I feel like a turtle stuck on its back. I get so frustrated that I flail around.
Next thing I know, I'm struggling for air in boiling water. It doesn't burn or feel hot, but water still shouldn't go into my lungs.
I jump out, coughing on the ground, and I hear Katsumi barking at my face, howling even, until I catch my first breath. I pat her nose as I begin breathing normally and she whines a bit.
I stand up and shake some water off. I slip on a hoodie and my kitty pajama pants. I lift the hood until it's over my eyes. I then pull the strings until the only thing visible is my nose.
I try to think of happy thoughts until I fall asleep once again.
I awake to Haruka's earthy scent and husky voice.
"Y'know, storming out of a room in rage is my thing. You should stick to being the very motivated yet lovesick leader, Aniki."
"You should stick to some Old Spice and being nocturnal," I groan as I roll over to face him and rub my eyes. He's wearing a shower cap that's stained black on the inside. Besides that, he's only wearing shorts.
"Shut up, my roots were noticeable. Also, I won't look like glitter in the sun, and I tend to embrace that. Now, are you going to mope all around your room all day or are we going to practice so that we can go back to Japan?"
"You say that as if you've been anywhere but here and Japan," I mumble as I get up and stretch.
His face then turns very serious and it seems like he speaks to me in eight languages all at once. My jaw drops a little.
"What the hell did you just say?"
"With Kanashimi as your mate, you learn so many different things just in case of what she calls a 'bilingual emergency.' She's so cute," he begins to talk about Kanashimi, and I tune him out. "Did you know that she isn't ticklish? Aniki? Are you listening?"
"Can we go train now?"
"Oh yeah."
After working way harder during training, Kanashimi takes us to the track, where Chiharu is already working on her stamina as she runs as a cheetah. A very tired Satoshi is on the sidelines, asleep.
"Ryuu, give me ten laps. Haruka, give me twelve in your wolf form. I'll wait here and exercise my wings."
I take off my shoes and begin running. Soon after, Haruka is running by my side. I feel my competitive side kick in as he gets a little ahead of me. I pick up my pace, and when he notices, he does the same. Then, it becomes a full blown race. I didn't even keep track of laps, but I know I won. Haruka lies down on the sidelines, breathing heavily, and I join him, practically wheezing.
"Hurry up and catch your breath, Ryuu. We need to have flight training soon. Go get your wings warmed up."
I regret getting up this morning. I stand and let out my wings. I start stretching them and soon, Haruka talks me into fanning him. He soon changes back into a naked human, and quickly slips on boxers and shorts.
"I'm gonna go get some blood," he says as he exits the track room.
"He should just carry around little blood pouches like I told him to," Kanashimi says under her breath. I begin fanning Chiharu and Satoshi after their second session of running.
Haruka comes back in with a frosted cup filled with blood.
"I'm gonna go to shifting class with Chiharu. You guys have fun in flight class. C'mon Chiharu," Haruka says as he leads Chiharu and Satoshi to the target room, with wet hair and no shower cap.
I go to the garden with Kanashimi, and she smiles at her budding flowers before taking to the sky. I go next to her cautiously.
"I thought we were supposed to lie low?"
"This island is protected by an invisible force field, didn't you know that? It's kind of like the same material your scales are made of."
I nod silently and notice her one black scaly wing. She begins to fly within some invisible boundary, and I notice that I'm falling behind. She zooms right past me, and once again, I feel compelled to win this race that doesn't exist. I reach her and then fly a little ahead, but that's when she literally flies circles around me, dipping and twisting so fast that my eyes see a blur. I'm extremely impressed at this point and then try to see if she can combat in the air.
I swing a punch and she blocks it very fast with her scaly wing. I get deep cuts on my knuckles that heal quickly.
She nods in understanding and I feel a pinch of fear for my younger sister.
She throws a kick that nearly tears my cheek off, but only lands a scratch. I fly higher up and so does she. I begin flying as fast as I can to get her off my tail or at least confused, but nothing. I feel my desperation grow, but I suppress it. I lose track of her for a second and she dives from above and kicks me in the spot right between both my wings, which I then learn is my weak point. I grunt and spiral downwards for a bit, but she flies above me and quickly opens my wings, making me soar.
"Be ready for anything! Never let your guard down!" Her voice from above reaches my ears with some odd determination that reaches my soul and gives me power.
I turn to face her, my back to the ground, and my wings release my sharp scales in her direction, piercing her in some areas and grazing her in others. She grunts, but it's enough to slow her.
She pulls out the scales from her abdomen, chest and shoulders, as she smiles at me.
"Good! Now we're getting somewhere!"
Holy fuck, my sister is bad ass.
A/N: The pictures will now be from manga, unless I draw them myself. This manga is Daytime Shooting Star, and is in no way mine.

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