Chapter 29

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Morgan, the woman Jeff loved, was bleeding internally thanks to that pig James Storm. I kinda wished it was me because I deserved it more than Morgan did, what with everything I did to Morgan.

Then there's the fact that two guys that I have known for the past 14 years are sitting in the waiting room area, freaking out over the younger's girlfriend. I didn't know what to do. I thought it would be very awkward to be around here anyway, but strangely it wasn't.

The doctor told us that she would have to stay until Wednesday, so maybe the injury would heal itself on its own...


Well it turns out I was wrong. Morgan was bleeding so much that she needed surgery to reverse it. All the color drained from our faces and immediately Jeff got up and started pacing. I tried to get him to sit and he wouldn't. So, me, being very impatient and worried about her, grabbed Jeff by the arm, and pulled him down into a chair. He fidgeted in the seat and I rubbed circles in his back to try and calm him down.

The doctor came out after the surgery and we awaited the news...

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